<---so vote for me, George Tirebiter


<---isn't sure today's lyric qualifies as a lyric
<---knows it comes from an album though
<---wonders if anyone knows it?
<---sends warm, chocolatey hugs to Carola
<---has to get moving
<---is dropping baked goods off at our church, a polling place, for a bake sale
<---reminds you all to vote for the candidate of your choice
<---(Or against the candidate who scares you the most)
<---hopes that this thread remains neutral ground today
<--waves mornin' to Robin
<--passes java
<--doesn't know today's album
<--is going to vote on her lunch break
<--sends (((HUGS))) and prayers to Carola
<--hopes everyone has a great day
<--says Ciao Bellas!
<--- waves groggily to Robin, Tamster and all who follow
<--- is quite excited to find out the election outcome
<--- is also sending warm, squeezy hugs to Carola
<--- is not a happy camper today
<--- will bbl
<--- says mornin' to Tammy, Robin, Shelley and all who follow
<--- will be glad when you've all voted for whoever and <--- can stop being bombarded by it all despite it not being <---'s flippin' country (rant against UK media over , i thank you!) ;)
<--- still thinking of Carola and sending whatever's needed
<--- is glad there are no baked goods in <---'s vicinity today!
<--- is sorry Shelley is not a happy camper
<--- is having an efficient working day so better get back to it! :D
<---let's Ronne know it's been awful here too re:media coverage of election
<---sends a brand new tent and sleeping bag to Shelley, in hopes of making her a happy camper
<---accepts the java from Tamster with many thanks
<---refills the pot and passes it on
<--wants to give Carola ((((BIG))))

<--is also excited to hear election returns
<--is proud of DS who is coming home from college just to vote
<--wishes all a wonderful day!
<--pops in and waves to the ladies
<--got the voting out of the way and plans to keep the tv off tonight...unless it is to watch Law & Order
<--waves a quick chipper hello to ^^ and VV
<--had to leave home early to make sure <--could vote
<--is now at work and probably won't have much time to play today
<--hopes everyone has a sunshiney day :D
<---will stop and vote on the way home
<---has to take MIL to the hairdresser first
<---wonders if there will be a line
<---has never had to wait for more than one person ahead of me
<---lives in a rural community where the election officials know who you are when you pull into the parking lot
<--will be off to the polls in a bit
<--is waiting for the crowds to thin out
<--thinks Shelley is rooting for the candidate who will result in the fewest house guests so she doesn't REALLY have to be a camper ;)
<--tells Ronne it is almost over
<--sends Carola big chocolatey birthday wishes
<--thinks youse guys get to work early!
<--hasn't even had her first cuppa joe yet
<--must get to it
<---is slurping coffee with you <---thanks Robin for passing the pot
<---is looking forward to no more political ads on tv
<---hoping everyone has short lines at their polling place
<---sending big squeezy hugs and birthday wishes to Carola
<---:D:D:D:D:D to Shelley
<---waves a big hello to all
<---off to do 4DS upper body

<--Pops in to say hi!
<--Wishes everyone a happy election day!
<--Voted early
<--Will be glued to the TV news today
<--Will be suffering from political hangover tomorrow
<--Will be SOOOO sad when it's all over
<--LOVES LOVES LOVES election time.
<--Should've gone into politics.
<--Hopes that doesn't make <--a big ole freak! :p
<--Must go attend to house full of boys now
<--Says preschool/school were out today
<--Sends hugs to Carola
<-- waves good Votin' morning!
<-- can't wait until this stinkin' day is OVER!
<-- giggles at Ronne's readiness in UK for US election to be over!
<-- is so sick of all the political bashing ads
<-- would really be more interested if there was an actual discussion of the issues, than what is actually on TV right now...

<-- did GSBSB for last nights wo (started Cathe's Nov rotation) and is excited about GS legs tonite!
<-- wants to buy a weighted vest to get more UMPH since <-- has body/form issue with squats and lunges :confused: and don't want to fight with the BB right now
<-- still has DOMS from sunday night's little 15 minute CoreMax routine though! :p
<-- Sends Happy Birthday wishes to Carola
<-- is sorry Shelley is not a happy camper today though hopes Shelley will feel better with Robin's new tent and sleeping bag :)
<-- sends coffee or tea to anyone in need of caffiene today!
<--- runs in & waves to everyone
<--- voted early & will be glad when it's all over
<--- is thinking about Carola & hoping all is well
<--- sends her a huge birthday hug!
<--- tells Robin that <--- does not have any idea where today's lyrics come from
<--- is glad to see Tammy & hope she finds a short line at her polling place during lunch
<--- hopes Shelley is a happier camper by now
<--- is proud of Ronne for having such an efficient work day so far!
<--- is also proud of Phyllis' son coming home to vote
<--- thinks Beavs has the right idea for t.v. tonight
<--- hopes Catherine can find more time to play in her busy day
<--- hopes the lines thin out so Nancy can vote soon
<--- agrees with JJ about the political ads
<--- also hopes everyone encounters short lines today
<--- hopes Stephanie doesn't suffer from a political hangover
<--- knows lots of people who are "politicos" so <--- doesn't think she's a big old freak
<--- isn't overly thrilled with the world of politics herself, though
<--- just does what she needs to do & tries to ignore most of the negative stuff
<--- mostly enjoys just chatting with all her wonderful pals here
<--- is in awe of Dani looking forward to a leg workout of any kind & hopes she enjoys it
<--- doesn't really like working lower body but really enjoys upper body
<--- better get a move on because <--- has lots to do today
<--- doesn't need to go work on construction today, though, so that's good
<--- says "take care" & hopes everyone has a great day!

<---is deeply sorry to arrive to the party so late!
<---sends lovies to all who need and want them
<---must scoot!
<---wishes all a happy "D Day"...ROTFLAO!
<-- is impressed with Kel's post :)
<-- hopes all y'all voting today don't have to wait too long in lines
<-- admits to being a bit misty over the lines
<-- shouts GO TEAM CAROLA!!
<-- can't remember much else up there but <-- say hey to each of you ;)

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