So, if there's a Road Trip this year....

I'm game, but only if Cathe makes us workout 5 times in one weekend instead of just a pitful 4 like last time}(

I'm with you there, Mattea. I mean really, we could have squeezed another workout in on Saturday, or even not gone for breakfast and done another one Sunday!:p
Totally Shelley---if the floors of the hotel where we stayed hadn't had some questionable stability I might have been tempted to start plie jacking Sat night after we got back;-)

I read the Dallas reporter article review of the 2005 road trip. She tells that it is limited to 100 people. I just would love to go! But, those of you have been there prior years:
"how did you get first dibs on a ticket to the road trip?"
It was pretty much first come first served and I think it took a couple of days for it to fill up completely. Then, there were a few people who had to cancel, and so---maybe there was a waiting list?
You won't be able to miss the announcement and excitement on the boards so it should be pretty easy. I know it seems like Cathe must have limitless fans, but they don't all frequent the boards, and the most certainly don't all want to go on a RT (or aren't able to for one reason or another--even some of the diehard fans will have conflicts).

Oh man, now I'm all excited for a RT---thanks a lot Shelley:p

I think last time there were 110 spots, and we ended up being 102 or something, because of last minute cancellations.

It was an amazing experience. I think this time the fight for spots will be a little more fierce, after everyone heard how incredible it was last time.
Oh thanks for the reply. Yeah, I guess there will be those who can't make it. When I set my mind on something I want to do "watch out". Therefore, I can't imagine not being available to go. And I'm only 6 hours drive away.
LOL with your comment to Shelly. I must say you are all such funny women. Where have you been all my life? :) Like to meet face to face. My life has been so dreary until I came to these forums and prior to Cathe being my morning wo's inspiration!
:) Boo, hooo, hoooo.
Shelley and those of you who have been before, will you please tell us just what the road trip is and who organizes it, where you stay, what you do, cost, etc.? It sounds fabulous!
Much as I'd like to, that's too much to cram into a weekend and go to work on Monday trying to function normally. I may change my mind, however!
Yes Amy--we love you too:+ Now dry your eyes, we want to see SWEAT not tears (and tears mixed in with the sweat are entirely at your discretion).

The road trip was organized by Cathe last year. It was in July. 102 of us met in New Jersey and spent the weekend working out with Cathe, eating, laughing, getting to know each other, meeting the crew, eating and laughing some more, touring the studio...

I think it was something like $170 for the weekend. We worked out 3 times on Saturday with Cathe (step class, sculpting class, kickbox class) and once on Sunday (high step class). We all went for lunch together on Saturday. A lucky few were chosen to get up on stage and do a routine with Cathe and crew (check out the road trip pics at the top of this forum). There was a sort of American Idol contest where people got up and did a little routine for everyone. We had a big pizza dinner with birthday cake (it was close to Cathe's birthday). After dinner, we had a fun relay contest, then Mark from Bootcamp came and DJ'd for us and we had a party. Sunday morning after the workout, we all met for breakfast, then we said our tearful goodbyes.

It was the most incredible experience and I'll remember every detail of it always.
I am definitely in! From a purely selfish perspective, ie not doing something for DH, kids, parents etc - that road trip was THE BEST thing I've ever done for me! The energy is simply off the charts and the fun is unending! And I do agree with you all - we could have snuck in another workout! Ya know - if we would all have just sacked out in the gym on Saturday night we could have worked off that pizza and cake right after the fact!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
ROAD TRIP }( }( :D :D


I honestly think everyone who was there had a really good time.


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