

Ever get to the point where you're counting the minutes until lunch? I brought a nice, sensible lunch, and I'm fighting my instincts to go to the cafeteria and have them make me a turkey panini. Mmmmm....turkey panini on sourdough.....STOP THAT!!!
Wow, that sounds really good! I love me a good panini........I actually have a delicious low carb meal from Whole Foods awaiting devourment--chicken w/artichoke hearts & green & black olives. Yummy! :9
I was hungry 5 minutes after I finished my breakfast. So I ate my snack. Then I was hungry five minutes after that.

Now I have a throbbing, awful headache and cramps and don't feel like eating anything.
I just split an apple fritter bagel with a co-worker. The darn thing was calling my name from the kitchen. I had to respond, it was driving us all crazy! Someone HAD to eat it!!!x(
An apple fritter bagel!! Wow that sounds good :p

Now I'm thinking of a big, warm, soft yet chewy, sweet wonderful apple fritter donut..................;(

I love apple fritters. I think it's been a few years since I've had one. We have a Tim Horton's on the bottom floor of our building...thankfully, I ate my lunch and i'm no longer hungry....'s amazing how satisfying a Slim Fast shake and a salad can be. Of course, it was followed with some Paul Newman's light popcorn...

Hope the thought of apple fritters is gone from my head tomorrow morning.
Do you gals get more hungry more often when you lift weights? I feel like I am eating all the time!!! It just seems backwards!:D
Happens to me more since I get up earlier. I use to get up before 5:30am giving myself a few extra minutes before kicking out my workout. But, the past few months I get up at 4:30am every morning just to watch Divorce Court, sick I know, but this show cracks me up :7 followed by the news. But, my point is by the time I get to work at 8am I'm STAVING x(

I use to eat my breakfast for years between 10am and 10:30am now by 9 o’clock my breakfast is gone, nibbling on my lunch. Thinking to say bye-bye to DC it has really threw me off schedule. Its time to for me to get busy.

This cracked me up - sounds like me.

>I was hungry 5 minutes after I finished my breakfast. So I
>ate my snack. Then I was hungry five minutes after that.
Yes - it's a sign that your metabolism is working better. I get much hungrier when I'm in shape.

It's very much an "exercise to eat and eat to exercise" cycle.

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