I am SO VERY discouraged right now guys.
I am in a MAJOR fitness rut. Don't know what it is. Two weeks ago I got sick, then I got better. Last week I basically killed myself with too much exercise then I took 5 days off. Well, I came back this week to IMAX and I had this deep muscle fatigue. I knew something was "off" when I tried to do the Jeanie Hops and my leg started fatigueing almost instantly. Did 5 intervals and then was so disgusted I threw in the towel. Then today I did Pyramid Upper and every lift seemed so difficult. My poundages sucked and I felt like I had lost all my strength.
I don't really track my workouts, but other than last week, I don't see where I really would have been overtraining. I cannot understand why after 5 days off my body is still complaining. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!!!???
Lately I have had this general "blah" feeling about working out, especially to Cathe. That is part of the reason I got a trainer. Then the other day for IMAX I was all energized, only to be dissapointed. Could my body STILL be tired. Seems impossible.
I am SO SICK of weightlifting having to be so darn hard. Every lifting session is a huge struggle for me now. I wonder if it is even worth it. I was so disgusted today that I am seriously considering just ditching weights for awhile. Do you think too much heavy lifting can burn you out? But, if I don't lift heavy it seems I am not doing anything..
Do any of you guys that have been doing this for a while and have gained some good muscle feel that you never make any progress or that lifting is so hard now?
I would love to know from some of you advanced exercisers how you break from the 15lb and 20lb dumbell plateau. Annette? Any advice here?? I have been stuck with these for a while and can't use anything heavier.
Thanks for letting me rant. Not like you had a choice, right?
I hope I will wake up and feel better tommorrow. This kind of disgust and lack of enthusiasm for my workouts is really rare for me. And really disturbing. Maybe this time it is not going to pass.
I am in a MAJOR fitness rut. Don't know what it is. Two weeks ago I got sick, then I got better. Last week I basically killed myself with too much exercise then I took 5 days off. Well, I came back this week to IMAX and I had this deep muscle fatigue. I knew something was "off" when I tried to do the Jeanie Hops and my leg started fatigueing almost instantly. Did 5 intervals and then was so disgusted I threw in the towel. Then today I did Pyramid Upper and every lift seemed so difficult. My poundages sucked and I felt like I had lost all my strength.
I don't really track my workouts, but other than last week, I don't see where I really would have been overtraining. I cannot understand why after 5 days off my body is still complaining. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!!!???
Lately I have had this general "blah" feeling about working out, especially to Cathe. That is part of the reason I got a trainer. Then the other day for IMAX I was all energized, only to be dissapointed. Could my body STILL be tired. Seems impossible.
I am SO SICK of weightlifting having to be so darn hard. Every lifting session is a huge struggle for me now. I wonder if it is even worth it. I was so disgusted today that I am seriously considering just ditching weights for awhile. Do you think too much heavy lifting can burn you out? But, if I don't lift heavy it seems I am not doing anything..
Do any of you guys that have been doing this for a while and have gained some good muscle feel that you never make any progress or that lifting is so hard now?
I would love to know from some of you advanced exercisers how you break from the 15lb and 20lb dumbell plateau. Annette? Any advice here?? I have been stuck with these for a while and can't use anything heavier.
Thanks for letting me rant. Not like you had a choice, right?