So discouraged!!!


I am SO VERY discouraged right now guys.

I am in a MAJOR fitness rut. Don't know what it is. Two weeks ago I got sick, then I got better. Last week I basically killed myself with too much exercise then I took 5 days off. Well, I came back this week to IMAX and I had this deep muscle fatigue. I knew something was "off" when I tried to do the Jeanie Hops and my leg started fatigueing almost instantly. Did 5 intervals and then was so disgusted I threw in the towel. Then today I did Pyramid Upper and every lift seemed so difficult. My poundages sucked and I felt like I had lost all my strength.

I don't really track my workouts, but other than last week, I don't see where I really would have been overtraining. I cannot understand why after 5 days off my body is still complaining. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!!!???
Lately I have had this general "blah" feeling about working out, especially to Cathe. That is part of the reason I got a trainer. Then the other day for IMAX I was all energized, only to be dissapointed. Could my body STILL be tired. Seems impossible.

I am SO SICK of weightlifting having to be so darn hard. Every lifting session is a huge struggle for me now. I wonder if it is even worth it. I was so disgusted today that I am seriously considering just ditching weights for awhile. Do you think too much heavy lifting can burn you out? But, if I don't lift heavy it seems I am not doing anything..

Do any of you guys that have been doing this for a while and have gained some good muscle feel that you never make any progress or that lifting is so hard now?

I would love to know from some of you advanced exercisers how you break from the 15lb and 20lb dumbell plateau. Annette? Any advice here?? I have been stuck with these for a while and can't use anything heavier.

Thanks for letting me rant. Not like you had a choice, right?:):) I hope I will wake up and feel better tommorrow. This kind of disgust and lack of enthusiasm for my workouts is really rare for me. And really disturbing. Maybe this time it is not going to pass.

I have been eating really nutritous food lately too, so go figure. I am taking 1750 mg amoxicillan every day though. Have to for a month. Do you think that can affect me? (Ok, I am grasping at straws here:):(

I don't know that anything I could say is worth a plug nickel after Maribeth & Francine answered you, but I'll give it a shot. I think you really SHOULD track your workouts - and since you're paying that trainer, show him your schedule. Does he have any idea what you're doing when you're not working out with him? More is NOT always better, you know.

For now, maybe you could concentrate most of your efforts on your trainer sessions - you'd get more out of them, and if you skip the workouts at noon, you're friends will just have to understand. You have to learn moderation, or you'll end up sick, injured, or just so discouraged that you'll quit or something.

As far as lifting heavier, maybe try lifting a couple of reps at a higher weight and finish your sets at a lower weight. For instance, try a shoulder press at 30 lbs for 3 reps is that's all you can handle, and quickly drop back to 25 lbs. to finish the set.

Is your trainer having your use all the different types of weight machines at your gym? I don't know what machines you have at your disposal, but at my Y we have 4 different types of machines plus free weights.

For what it's worth - take it or leave it.

Antibiotics will absolutely kick your A$$! I take them for a heart condition when I have dental work done & I can't workout for a week afterwards. They suck the life out of your body.

Now, that said, get your fanny back over to our check in & we can have our butts kicked together. I haven't worked out properly in 2 weeks & just found out I'm going to either Cancun or Jamaica in 7 weeks. I HAVE to get my body in bikini shape. Lets do it together!
Hi, Janice - I'm not sure I can add anything of value except a couple of suppositions . . .

It could very well be that you are suffering some longer-term effects of longer-term overtraining, both physically and psychologically. And from what you've described above, it seems that your schedule has kind of developed an all-or-nothing quality, either training your butt off or taking multiple days off. Maybe you could consider giving yourself a 4-6 week break from goal-oriented training, and instead just dedicate yourself to workouts you enjoy for the doing of them as well as the benefits. The "For The Fun Of It" rotation, if you will.

I agree with the other posters as well about the effects of antibiotics on your overall performance capacity. Although I'm certainly not a doctor or a trainer, your chemical balance has to be altered by something like that.

And . . . I'll say this as gently as possible: could it be that your creatine supplementation is negatively affecting you, especially when combined with antibiotics? I'll go on record as being, at best, totally disinterested in any ergogenic or growth-oriented supplements because the field is entirely unregulated both in terms of long-term effects and in terms of manufacture, and consumers are the guinea pigs for supplement hucksters. With, admittedly, zero empirical information to back this up, I can't help but wonder if supplementation isn't doing you more harm than good. I say this out of concern.

I'm interested in others' responses here. Please let us know how you get on.

Hello fellow control freak. As hard as it is for me to accept, I've learned that sometimes you just can't know all the factors that may be affecting you, but there is one thing your body is telling you for sure: time for a break. Take a few weeks off and forget all about weight training. Wait until there is a change in your medications/supplements/stress level/sleep pattern or any host of other things, but most of all, just wait till you feel stronger. Get in control of the control freak within and let nature take over. You won't lose much muscle tone in a few weeks. Give it 3-4 weeks and if nothing changes, make an appointment with your doctor. By then you should know more.

Moral of the story: always listen to your body, even if you haven't figured out yet why it is sending you this (in your case, very strong!) message.

Meanwhile, I know what frustration feels like: I hurt my knee in the New York City 5-borough bike tour. Just as the knee started to heal I caught an awful head cold. I haven't been able to work out in over a week and I'm DYING to get back to it!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO FRUSTRATED!!!

Wishing you all the best,
Hey Janice,
I just wanted to add that I think that nutrition is the most important factor to consider. You mentioned that you are eating clean, but are you eating enough? Having an infection increases your basal metabolic rate. Possibly you are not giving your body enough energy/calories to both kick the germs and also have enough left over for intense workouts.

You seem like someone who likes to push yourself hard, which is great;but, sometimes the body says ENOUGH! If taking time off is too hard for you, I would suggest going down in weights to a level that is not totally exhausting and working your way back up.

Be nice to your body, it's the only one you've got!!
don't be discouraged. I think one thing that really helps is variety. We are not boys and can't lift as much. I don't really think it would be possible for me to ever get past 25lb. dumbells for any exercise. Right now I can only use those for bench press!! What I find works since I dont' think I will ever be able to lift really heavily is changing my rotiation every three weeks. So do a different lifting style. This has soooooooooo helped me develop more muscles even when i am using the same weight. My upper body muscles are the strongest ever. Just and example of what I do

3 weeks S&H rotation
3weeks endurance rotation
3 weeks pyramid rotation
3 weeks pure strength rotation

IT really works
don't be discouraged. I think one thing that really helps is variety. We are not boys and can't lift as much. I don't really think it would be possible for me to ever get past 25lb. dumbells for any exercise. Right now I can only use those for bench press!! What I find works since I dont' think I will ever be able to lift really heavily is changing my rotiation every three weeks. So do a different lifting style. This has soooooooooo helped me develop more muscles even when i am using the same weight. My upper body muscles are the strongest ever. Just and example of what I do

3 weeks S&H rotation
3weeks endurance rotation
3 weeks pyramid rotation
3 weeks pure strength rotation

IT really works
Thanks so much everyone for your responses!

This is the first time in my life I have felt so "blah" for so long. But when I really think about it, I have the "blah" feeling about my job as well. My relationship with my mother has recently changed for the worse and I have not seen my dad in 6 months. (Long story). Sometimes I think I don't factor in those kind of stressors into how I feel during my workouts. But when I really thought about it tonight, I guess I have that "blah" feeling with much of my life right now.

It is just that fitness and nutrition has always been an area in my life that has provided the most positive feelings for me. Without this, I really feel worthless. Kind of sick to have all your self-worth caught up in one thing, huh?

I guess I have a myriad of issues going on here. Maybe I need a psychological forum, huh?? LOL!!

Annette..I respect your opinion on the creatine, but I really don't take it like clockwork. I forget many days, so supplementing with it is probably not doing me much good. I think I take it at this point more for the psychological benefit than any physical one. I will be the first to admit to the possiblity of my body changes being the result of my own hard work and not the creatine supplementation.
And Deborah..I am sorry I have not been in the forum lately, but it has taken alot of my mental energy just to come here. Sometimes, I find reading all the posts there exhausts me (and I always have the longest ones!!HA!!). Especially right now in my life. You motivate me though, but frankly, right now, I am scared of tackling TTR again.

I think it is a combo of factors, but I also think I have reached a point in my fitness level now where changes are few and far between. The increases in my fitness are so seemingly small and imperceptable at this point that I am failing to notice them. I think for now I will focus more on my heavy day with the trainer and be sure to keep track of my poundages. Maybe from there I can glean some positive feedback.
Not all is lost however. I ran for an hour today outside as well as an hour last night on the treadmill at the gym and I must say that my ability to tackle hills has improved immensely!! I had the treadmill at 3.5 MPH at a 15% incline without holding on with my arms! And I flew up hills on the Phoenix Mountain Preserve that used to kick my butt. So.....I can kinda see......

Thanks again everyone and I will try to keep my head up.....
And Nancy....

Control Freak is right!!! Maybe add to that list perfectionist and Type A!!! Annette hit that nail right on the head when she referred to me as "all or nothing". I LIVE by that motto in everything from love to food!!!
Is there any way you can PM me with your email address. I tried to email you a few weeks ago concerning another matter but it did not go through and I would like to ask you a few other questions now, if you don't mind.....let me know...

15% incline? It goes that high?? The most I do is 12. Way to go!! And as for psychological issues, I could use one of those forums myself. Know of any good ones? Let's join together :)

So sorry to hear you are having trouble.Maybe you need to just drop the intensity a little.I have started alternating some fitprimes and the firm as cardio options.I really enjoy variety and different instructers.Don't get me wrong luv cathe but when you know what she is going to say before she says it maybe just a little to long with one instructor.I really enjoy using all my tapes I do have to force myself to enjoy the endurance type and total body workouts.I would suggest instead of giving up wt training (inmho big mistake)take it down a notch do a body part a day that way you don't feel overwhelmed and you can focus on that one part.Even if you are not lifting as heavy as you were it will come back being sick takes a lot out of your body.You need to just give your body time and DO NOT let this control you, you can overcome this obstical(SP)in time.And just because you don't see progress doesn't mean there is nothing happening .Moving your body should be fun put the fun back in.Throw rotations out the window and just do do it for fun and stress relieve.I know I am a bear if I don't exercise.Also discuss this with your pt that is what your paying him for.Keep posting and we will give moral support.GOOD LUCK WITH ALL!
Hi Janice! Are you changing up your weight training program every 6 wks? If not, then this is your problem. The first 6 wks. you should be using Slow & Heavy tapes using the heaviest weights that you can lift but only doing 6-8 reps 3 sets & doing 3 different exercises per body part. The second 6 wks. use Pure Strength but doing 4 sets of 10 reps for large muscles & 5 sets for small, again 3 exercises for each body part. The third cycle for 6 wks. doing strictly muscle endurance lifting uping the cardio to at least 3-4x a week. I work it this way & have never had any plateaus. I've grown to really like strength training now.

Because your sooo tired, I wouldn't lift any weights for a while; instead I would do some yoga or pilates; yoga for meditation too. Then I would come back using this plan & see how it goes. You should break out of your plateau. HTH, Kathy:7
Janice, I just read this post about the antibotic. YES of course this is what's affecting your weight training!! The antibotic depletes and robs your body of all energy. Please just do yoga as I initially suggested & take some needed rest. Hope you feel better! Kathy:)
I have taken all your ideas into consideration and am really pondering the one-body-part-per-day idea. I do think I get exhausted trying to take on too much!!! I think logging my workouts is started to seem more logical now too. I really need some proof that I am moving ahead and not just falling into some deep dark hole. Thank you all for your help!!

It could also be that the virus is still in your muscles. Like everyone else has said, listen to your body and be patient.

Take care!

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