<---snot face, wake up!!!

<---apologizes in advance for not speaking to each individually
<---was a morning monster as a child
<---says oh wait, <---still is
<---'s mom would call <---'s name, flip the light switch and run like mad when awakening <---
<---sends ~~~~~~~~~~~healing~~~~~~~~~~~~ to all sickies and aching bodies
<---is living the PMS life amidst all the chaos :p
<---is surprisingly ok with that
<---continues to hold Greyor and his wonderful family in <---'s heart and prayers
<---loves ya all, but gotta run, run, run
<--waves at everyone this morning!
<--says it's gorgeous this morning here!!!
<--stopped at health food co-op on the way home
<--picked up some flax seed for <--, some PB covered pretzels for DH, and some wheat grass for Jellibean the cat (who grazes on grass:p :+ )
<--also picked up a very yummy vegan cookie that <--ate on the way home....thinking is was only 260 cal (NOT, that was 260 per serving and 1 cookie=2 servings!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
<--usually catches stuff like that....must have been having just got off work....at least that's <--story and <--is sticking to it!!!:D
<--is okay with the calorie overload.....it was a VERY good cookie!!!
<--is glad to see Melody!
<--is sorry that Shelley is still dealing with all the germs
<--hopes TiG's leg settles down
<--hopes Megadoodle's day is a good one!
<--hopes Nancy had a good day
<--tells Nancy that <--picked up the fixins' for lentil soup at the store too!
<--hopes Tammy's "sleeping beauty" gets up without any need for violence!:p
<--is sure that Judy's hair will turn out loverly!!!
<--will BBL after some sleep!:D
<---jumps in real quick to say hi
<---probably won't be back today
<---hasn't read anything ^^^^ :-(
<---hopes all is well with all you lovely ladies!
<---waves a quick howdy
<---has moved back home, at least for this week
<---says Emily went back to school today, but will continue to stay at RMcD house and spend as much time as possible with Greyor
<---was told yesterday that Greyor will have to stay in hospital for whole 6 weeks of IV antiviral chemo, but may transfer to hospital where <---works
<---starts back to work tomarrow and hopes to get into some kind of normal life again
<---hopes to enjoy life with you all soon
<---just finished Body Max 2, has to shower and go grocery shopping
<---hopes to be back later and just chill
<--is sorry Mel has a monster on the loose }(
<--glad that Amy could have a yummy vegan cookie...calories and all
<--waves to Shannon and hopes she has a gr-ooooovy day
<--adds that <-- is glad to hear from Robin and hopes her days get easier
<---is back
<---waves to the girlies :7
<---finished LIC
<---enjoyed the workout, but the music was not <---cup o'tea
<---sounded like weird farting techno :p
<---would classify as definite intermediate adv w/o
<---thinks it's nice for days you don't wanna kill yourself ;)
<---is slugging java and will bb!


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
<--waves to all.
<--is feeling extremely lazy now that work out is done.
<--forced self to put a load in the wash and to wash dishes in the sink but hasn't done a stitch more than that!:eek:
<--thinks this weather blows and is part of the cause for <--'s laziness. x(
<--will do a sun dance.:)
<--likes the sound of Shelley's lunch
<--tells Tig that if <-- did a major workout, did laundry and washed the dishes <-- would call it the most productive day of her life! :7 :+
<--can't believe TiG is calling herself "lazy"
<--is very glad that the news is good on the Robinella front
<--tells Amy she must be confusing <-- with someone who cooks :p
<--does, however, eat much lentil soup
<--likes Beavs term "allwildgang" :7
<--is very edgy today x(
<-- has not seen nor read anything ^^^
<-- was unhappy to wake up to rain this morning since that meant <-- would be rolling around on the wet playground asphalt at 0600 hours
<--'s mood has not since improved
<-- is stressing out big time over this whole career thing
<-- is so tired <-- starts to cry at the thought of a job search
<-- is also running out of acceptable time for such a thing^
<-- is therefore trying online to set up an appointment with law career services and <-- has forgotten <--'s login info and so <-- is going to really cry soon
<-- also has to remember to go find an anniversary card for DH
<-- thinks marriage is another subject to cry over since <-- has not really seen DH since we got married 4 years ago
<-- should say, there were 5 days in July 2004 and 5 days in March 2006
<-- would love to be joking
<-- is going to find some confetti to throw at <--'s Pity Party
<-- apologizes for blawing
<--tells Amy G no need to apologize
<--needs to cut herself some slack or face a meltdown
<--thinks she should spend some time with her DH
<--sends goodies down the HH with a stern "Keep your chin up Woman!" as she passes her a chocolate chip cookie
<--glad to see Shelley is back and chipper
<--glad Deb has a good workout and wonders if Tig got all the laundry done
<--thinks Amyg should go work wiht her DH, so she can spend more time with him
<--says seriously, <--is sorry for the worries AMyg, so here is a huge box of hugs
<--hopes Amyg can relax a bit and take one of her famous naps and wake up with a new outlook
<--is so pleased to see Robin, but is sorry Greyor isn't coming home soon, but is sure it is what is best for him
<--will pray that he gets transfered
<--sends kudos to Emily for continuing school
<--is also pleased to see Melody
<--wonders what kinds of bikes Santa will be bringing
<--tells Tig, <--is like that everyday
<--will not wash dishes, will probably have a nervous break down if the dishwasher malfunctions
<--really hopes <--didn't just jinx myself
<--hopes Amy is sleeping peacefully
<--would have loved to partake in the star trek fest
<--waves to Beavs and is GLAD she is out of the HH
<--LOL at SHelley and her desk
<--says atleast it isn't phone calls!
<--got a good WO in today, amazingly
<--loves Debs descrip of the music! LOL!!!
<--hopes Nancy's edges soften soon!
<--sends her a hug too

Maeghan AKA megadoo

<--snoozed a bit
<--wanted to snooze some more but was hungry
<--now can't because DH stripped the bed and just informed <-- that the mattress needs to be flippedx( x( x(
<--hates flipping the flipping king sized mattress because it entails actually removing the mattress from the bedroom into the living room!
<--no, was not mistaking Nancy for someone who cooks
<--has done that before and was reminded of that fact
<--was just sharing that <-- was going to cook Nancy's beloved lentil soup!!!;-)
<--also hates to wash dishes
<--has to to clean all the plastic containers that <--hauls to work every night
<--doesn't have time when working, so they pile up in the sink for Monday nights!
<--that reminds <--
<--the dishwasher needs to be emptied.......
<--waves at everyone
<--sends hugs to everyone
<---says Welcome Home Robin
<---is sending thoughts and prayers to little Greyor and hopes he comes home soon
<---hopes Emily survived her first day back at school today
<---sends healing vibes to Shelley's house
<---waved to Mel as she ran through
<---tells Tig <--- has the same hip/butt pain and it has been two months!
<---says oversleeping teenager has turned into grumpy-not-meant-for-human-contact teenagerx(
<---hopes Amy's lentil soup comes out delish:9
<---waves to Meg and Beavs
<---hopes Ame got to log in before she had a breakdown
<---says the two words Nance and cook do NOT belong together;) ;) ;)
<---wonders who is taking Shelley out to lunch:9
<---wonders if Debbie Crocker baked us any delicious treats today
<---needs a cup of java
<---will BBL
<--- tells Tammy that it is a consultant who used to work with <--- that is taking her out for lunch, along with the co-worker (the one with the dastardly radio)
<--- says at least she won't be able to bring the *&#*% radio to lunch;)
<--lentil soup is simmering away
<--wants to know if <--needs to set a place for Nancy or anyone else tonight?
<--dinner will be VERY informal as <--is still in jammies!:+ :p
<--forgot to tell Shelley that <-- liked the looks of the Martini Flight;-)
<--seriously, though the grill calamari sounds wonderful as well as the Lobster/Shrimp salad
<--of course <-- liked just aboot everything *else* on the menu as well, but since <--is trying to behave and clean up the personal diet.......(shrugs)
<--hopes Shelley enjoys her radio-free lunch!
<--is glad that Robin was able to come home
<--hopes Emily does okay in school
<--wonders if there's any word from daddy?
<--is sorry that Greyor won't be coming home yet, but is glad that the prognosis for a Christmas Homecoming is good!!!!!:D
<---hopes Shelley enjoyed her lunch
<---also hopes Amy and whoever shows up enjoys their soup
<---fed Emily and my niece, then sent them down the road to the hospital
<---says Emily doens't have any classes on Tuesdays and can stay with Greyor
<---got phone call from social worker who is setting up family meeting with doctors to discuss Greyor
<---is a wreck worrying about it
<---is glad, however, to report that Emily's day back at school went very well, her teachers are all very supportive and she is sure she can do the work required to finish
<---says the other grandparents are leaving tonight to go to GA and see Greyor's dad graduate, then they will drive straight thru and get home on Saturday
<---is trying to relax now and remove problems from my brain
<---any suggestions?
<--- just typed up a nice post and it disappeared!
<---x( x( x(
<--- hopes for AmyG to have some time w/ Dh and get in a better way!
<--- read about Robin and is encouraged; still praying of course
<--- sends encouragememt to all "<--- readers"
<--- thinks we all need a bit of encouragement
<--- thinks we must provide encouragement to one another
<--- please someone encourage <--- to stop already with the cookies!
<--- encourage, encourage, encourage

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=9978144&uid=4817615&members=1x( x( x(
<---shouts YAY for Judy
<---stomps on the cookies and encourages you all to take Judy's advice
<---sweeps the crumbs under the rug and grabs the wine instead of the cookies
<---but just one glass
<---doesn't want to dull her mind before Jeopardy
<---is glad Robin still has her sense of humor
<---definitely thinks Robin deserves a glass of wine
<---hopes Shelley's co-worker doesn't have a portable radio
<---tells Judy to STEP AWAY FROM THE COOKIES!!
<---tells Amy <--- is in her pyjamas too:7

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