SNM...same or different exercise


Just wondering what the difference is between exercise #687 side leaning lateral raise and #647 incline side raise on stability ball. They look like the same thing in the pics.

Also, #108 deadlifts vs #531 stiff legged deadlift. Just guessing that #108 might have slightly bent kness to place more emphasis on the back while #531 has straight/stiff legs to put more emphasis on the hamstrings?

647 (on disc 10) and 687(on disc 1) are the exact same video segment footage, both in meso one.
And I found another I'd like clarification for:
sit and stands, #473 on disc 6 looks the same as #504 on disc 26, both done one legged.
and the last one is:
disc 9, drop side lunge onto step #490 and disc 29 #395 drop side lunge onto step.
These all appear in the back of the user guide and appear to be duplicates.

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