Hi SNM - How about adding a Recipe Forum to Cathe.com?? Thanks! Kali :D
K kali1 Cathlete Jan 26, 2003 #1 Hi SNM - How about adding a Recipe Forum to Cathe.com?? Thanks! Kali
F Fembot Cathlete Jan 27, 2003 #2 Great idea Kali! I'm always looking for a new recipe and I practially live on this forum so it would be perfect.
Great idea Kali! I'm always looking for a new recipe and I practially live on this forum so it would be perfect.
R runathon Cathlete Jan 28, 2003 #6 That would be awesome! SNM, please do consider it. Thanks. Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
That would be awesome! SNM, please do consider it. Thanks. Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon