SNM re Xtrain


Active Member
I know it has been mentioned in a previous post, but I have a question re the plans to release the upper body segment of the CTX series as a sererate VHS tape.

The thing is, I am planning on buying the CTX series for my birthday next month (or rather having it bought for me) and was wondering what the time frame might be for the new tape. I understand you won't be able to give an exact date, but is it likely to be weeks, month or perhaps longer?

As I live in the UK, it would be better if I could order all the tapes together so I am prepared to wait if it is only a matter of days. Of course if it is going to be too long I will have to order with my (inevitable) next Cathe purchase (probably in August for my anniversary :) )

BTW I would also like to praise SNM for the excellent customer service. I can order my tapes Fri. afternoon and receive them Mon. lunchtime - that is as quick, and in some cases quicker than mail order deliveries witin th UK!

Thanks for your time.

RE: CTX Upper Body Tape

The CTX Upper Body tape should be available towards the end of July or early August. We will known more in few weeks once it has been edited.

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