SNM question

trish k

I am not sure that I want to get a new I pod or not. When the new computer program is available will I be able to just mix and run the workouts using a laptop. I think that an Ipod screen may be too small for my aging eyes. Trish
I'm interested in the new Workout Blender program, too. If I get an Ipod, I plan to hook it to my tv in my workout room. The only way I'd use the Ipod screen is if I was traveling or something and then I'd probably have to only use workouts I was really used to so I didn't have to see every little thing.

You can always watch and view any MP4 file on a computer, but we have really designed The Blender to be used with an Ipod or Apple Tv and then viewed on a TV. But you can always use a computer if you prefer. All mixing will always be done on your local machine.

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