SNM or 10-10-10 users


Could someone please tell me the total play time of this tape. I wasn't sure whether it was 25 minutes EACH workout i.e. 25 * 3 or whether it is 25 minutes of total workout which includes kickboxing, hi-low and step. Plus triceps and all the other stuff.

About 5 minute warm-up, 25 minute cardio (includes kickboxing, hi-low & step), 15 minutes triceps and then cooldown. Very fun workout!
10-10-10 means ten minutes of each (hi-lo, kickbox, step) which totals 30 min. Then the strength work for ? minutes plus the cooldown/stretch, totals just under or just about an hour.
Aaaah!!!! 10 mins for KB; 10 mins for H/L and 10 mins for Step!

Why not! Of course!

Thanks both of you!

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