Cathe /SNM I tried to submit my STS story but I could not do so. I guess maybe its because I didn't upload a picture or whatever. I don't know how to do that anyways and I don't like my picture taken.
My story is MS vs. Cathe:
I started doing Cathe's DVD workouts about 4 years ago approximately it was after I was diagnosed with relapsing remitting form of Multiple Sclerosis. Back then I got so weak I couldn't lift even 5lb dumbells and I could not stand without assistance because my balance was effected. I even had great difficulty using my right hand to do simple things like grip a coffee cup or write my name. I read that exercise is extremely important for people with MS and reseach supports this. If someone who has MS is very inactive and doesn't get more active with exercise that their degree of movement can suffer by the nerves not getting stimulated. MS, in case you don't know is thought to be an auto immune disease which means your body attacks itself, specifically the Central Nervous System. In MS this means your antibodies that fight germs etc., and attack the myelin (which is the protective fatty tissue that inssulates the nerves, think of a lamp cord the plastic on the outside is the insulation). The Central Nervous System is involves the brain, spine, and optic nerves. The brain sends signals to the spine its the myelin or nerve insulation that allows for the signal to transmit from the brain to whatever its trying to contact. In MS it is the myelin that is damaged and interrupts the signal or quality of the signal to whatever its destination. Simply put, MS will take the path of the least resistance so basically move it or lose it. Increasing and keeping my mobility was all the incentive for exercise. I'd worked out for many years prior to this at home. Since the MS diagnosis four years ago I've been doing Cathe's DVD and love the quality and intensity of the workouts. I was excited when STS was announced since I wanted to improve my strength and coordination, STS delivered in spades! Now, I'm not saying I could lift any where near what Cathe and crew can, but it was a huge improvement for me. I went from lifting 5lb dumbells to lifting 20lb and 25- 30lb dumbells. I can now actually benchpress which I never could before so I think STS is truly amazing, but its all about how much you want to put in to it and what results are you looking for. I wanted great results and I feel I got them. I can bench press now and do barbell rows and all the stuff Cathe and her amazing crew do in STS. I have experienced at least 10% if not more strength gains this is a huge accomplishment with my MS, and I still continue to yeild benefits from STS. I recently added STS Shock Cardio to my Cathe DVD library and its awesome with so much variety its a perfect match with STS Strength for the best bar none workout out there. No matter what your fitness levels or limitations, there is always room for improvement to be the best you can be and Cathe is there to help you. Thank you Cathe for helping me fight my MS and be the best me I can inspite of it.
Nora aka Czechfan
My story is MS vs. Cathe:
I started doing Cathe's DVD workouts about 4 years ago approximately it was after I was diagnosed with relapsing remitting form of Multiple Sclerosis. Back then I got so weak I couldn't lift even 5lb dumbells and I could not stand without assistance because my balance was effected. I even had great difficulty using my right hand to do simple things like grip a coffee cup or write my name. I read that exercise is extremely important for people with MS and reseach supports this. If someone who has MS is very inactive and doesn't get more active with exercise that their degree of movement can suffer by the nerves not getting stimulated. MS, in case you don't know is thought to be an auto immune disease which means your body attacks itself, specifically the Central Nervous System. In MS this means your antibodies that fight germs etc., and attack the myelin (which is the protective fatty tissue that inssulates the nerves, think of a lamp cord the plastic on the outside is the insulation). The Central Nervous System is involves the brain, spine, and optic nerves. The brain sends signals to the spine its the myelin or nerve insulation that allows for the signal to transmit from the brain to whatever its trying to contact. In MS it is the myelin that is damaged and interrupts the signal or quality of the signal to whatever its destination. Simply put, MS will take the path of the least resistance so basically move it or lose it. Increasing and keeping my mobility was all the incentive for exercise. I'd worked out for many years prior to this at home. Since the MS diagnosis four years ago I've been doing Cathe's DVD and love the quality and intensity of the workouts. I was excited when STS was announced since I wanted to improve my strength and coordination, STS delivered in spades! Now, I'm not saying I could lift any where near what Cathe and crew can, but it was a huge improvement for me. I went from lifting 5lb dumbells to lifting 20lb and 25- 30lb dumbells. I can now actually benchpress which I never could before so I think STS is truly amazing, but its all about how much you want to put in to it and what results are you looking for. I wanted great results and I feel I got them. I can bench press now and do barbell rows and all the stuff Cathe and her amazing crew do in STS. I have experienced at least 10% if not more strength gains this is a huge accomplishment with my MS, and I still continue to yeild benefits from STS. I recently added STS Shock Cardio to my Cathe DVD library and its awesome with so much variety its a perfect match with STS Strength for the best bar none workout out there. No matter what your fitness levels or limitations, there is always room for improvement to be the best you can be and Cathe is there to help you. Thank you Cathe for helping me fight my MS and be the best me I can inspite of it.
Nora aka Czechfan
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