SnM - Check out inappropriate post on Open Forum

Please note the post was edited and that the OP on this thread was trying to contact SNM before the editing. Trust me, that's not what 'colleen45' said before the edit.
>Please note the post was edited and that the OP on this
>thread was trying to contact SNM before the editing. Trust me,
>that's not what 'colleen45' said before the edit.

The original post contained curse words, racial slurs, and hate speech. People can definitely post what they think without using those kinds of words. This is such a great site to visit and we don't need stuff like that.

Thank you for deleting it SnM.
I'm not sure why you are quoting my post. I was merely trying to explain to others who didn't see the original post why you were asking for it to be removed(there is an above poster who said they saw nothing wrong with the post--clearly they didn't see it before the edit). I saw the original post too and contacted SNM privately and asked for it to be removed.

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