SNM -- Another Escalade Question


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-29-02 AT 08:59AM (Est)[/font][p]Just curious -- I noticed on their website that Cathe.Com is listed as the only on-line retailer for Escalade. (Side note -- I also noticed that the SuperStep is listed among their Step products but the Mini-Step is not yet, sadly. :-()

Does this mean that we'll be able to order Step products directly from you folks soon? That would be great -- your customer service is absolutely the best. Kathy S.
Yes, we will eventually start selling The Step and other fitness products that Escalade Sports now carries. We just have to wait until we get into our new facility before we will have the warehouse space that will be necessary for this.
Oh this is just too cool! SNM has the best customer service of anyone, in my humble opinion! Can't wait!

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