SNAZZZZZZZY Ladies Check In...week of 03/13/2011

Terina, I name all my most beloved fitness equipment. Eddy is my 'tready'. Ken is my 15# kettlebell. Gunther is my running Garmin. LOL They are affectionately named after I get intimate with them. ;) Once I have a feel for their personality, I give them a name that just fits. lol Call me a child, I don't care! :D

Good job on your workouts, ladies.

I did PUB this morning and the DOMS are setting in ALREADY! :eek:

Just a heads up....I will most likely be MIA this weekend. We've got a lot going on and it took some juggling to fit it all in, but it's all set and hopefully will go as planned.

Tomorrow morning I'm leaving my house at 5am to meet up with some friends from the running group. We're carpooling into Jersey (Wendy, I should have thought about mentioning it to you sooner) for another friend's ULTRA 100 miler! :eek: YES, he'll be running 100 miles. Starts at 4am tomorrow and he has to be done by 10am Sunday morning to be considered an official finisher. On our way out there in the morning, I'm getting dropped off about 15 miles or so from the start/finish and I'll run the trail and meet up with the rest and finish my last 3 miles; that will complete my 18 mile long run. NOW....we're HOPING to be able to hook up with our Ultra friend and log some if not ALL of those miles with him, but the timing has to be PERFECT! Either way, I'll get my long run done. THEN, we're staying out for a while to cheer him on and on and ON! Then we'll head back to PA, grabbing lunch on the way home. I have to come home, grab DS#2 from a sleepover and immediately head to DS#1's basketball game at 4pm. I will CRASH tomorrow night. Then Sunday is quieter, with only (only! HA!) 2 games; 11am and 1pm. THEN it's some R&R for whatever's left of the weekend. Homework, correcting tests, prepping for the school week. NUTS-O!

It's all good, though, so I'm not complaining. MWAH to all you gals. I'll catch you Sunday night or Monday morning!
OK, so I'm back before anybody else posted. What's up with THAT? :D

I hope you ladies are enjoying a nice weekend! I ended up being able to get my 18 miles in with my Ultra 100-miler friend. I caught him just as he was finishing his first 16 mile loop so I joined him for his 2nd 16 mile loop, delivered him back to camp and then logged 2 more for a total of 18. My IT felt really good; I stretched once I got home and will do so again tonight. Keep your fingers crossed it continues into tomorrow.

Wendy, I've been thinking....we need to get together SOON! Interested? Kids included! Thoughts?
Hi Laides.

Gayle, Def interested in a gtg! Let's discuss...but not tonight-I'm exahausted! :p PM if ya want or we can hash it out a bit right here as well. Either way if fine with me. :) Glad the ITB band didn't act up during your 18 miler. Fingers crossed that there are no reprecussions in the morning! 100 mile race...OMG! :eek:You HAVE to let us know how your friend did!

Nice work out Terina! Hope you are having a fantastic weekend! :)

So today was M2 WK 1 D13 and OMG...I LOVED LOVED LOOOVED IT!:D I followed it up with the original Bodymax step segment and abs. Good stuff. D13 was a tough work out but not as exhausting as the M1's because of the slower pace and longer reps. I'm a fan for sure!;)
28 hours 51 minutes and my friend is DONE WITH HIS 100 MILER!

Incredible. But I have to admit, that running out there on the trail, experiencing just a PART of that event with him...I'm intrigued. It's so minimalist, so basic and simple. The trail had very few people stationed/working throughout the course; it was clearly marked, and there were a few aid stations, but very minimal. My friend was telling me that at the start (4am, my mind), the organizer guy had them all lined up (it was a staggered start with an hour between starts depending on your distance) and he asked to the group of 80, "you guys ready?" "YUP" "ok, then, go". Just like that. No medals when they're done and no time clock; they do get a duffle bag for packet pick up. Very no frills. The simple love and joy of running. THAT PIQUED MY INTEREST!

StretchX from P90X done this morning and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED it. NO, absolutely NO ITB pain or twinges this morning. That's a great thing!
Ab Circuits Yoga Inspired Abs followd by M2 W1 D14/legs and the Extended Stretch...DONE! :D I opted out of cardio today and it was for good reason! :eek: I felt like I had just done an hour of tough cardio after that leg work out I swear! OMG! I think she's trying to kill us! ;):D It's okay though cause it gave me time to do the much needed Extended Stretch which I would not have made time for otherwise. :rolleyes:

Gayle:: Wow, I totally commend your friend for even entering let alone finishing! The no frills part would do that exact opposite for me. I loved racing because of the excitement of it all and this sounds like it would have been a let down for me to that end-not that you would catch me entering ANY 100 mile race! :p LOL I can feel a 100 miler coming on for you one day and I'll be cheering you on through it all! You can do it cause you rock! :cool:
You are way too kind, Wendy. lol I need to get the 26.2 mile distance under my belt again (twice, actually) before I even CONSIDER a further distance. I think the next in line would be a 50K...about 31 miles. But I am in NO RUSH right now. lol
I'm soooo behind on personals. Forgive me. Today did STS disk 16. So much progress since I tore my rotator cuff 3 years ago.
Thanks for bearing with my rude self absorbed posts. But posting really helps keep me on track.Thanks Snazzy Ladies!

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