Hey ladies. Surprised that it's Wednesday and I'm first checking in here? LOL Yeah, funny.
I'm glad to see EVERYbody back at it. AWESOME, ladies.
I only have a minute to get caught up real quickly.
Wendy, how's the REST WEEK going?
Teri, good job re-starting that rotation. Glad to be back???
Colleen, gotta tell you, you make me tired! LOL Hope DS is better!
Me, my week looked like this: Saturday 11-12 miles; Sunday 6+ miles; Monday LBB; Tuesday Tough Mudder circuit workout minus the run segment and a LOT of stretching during the day; Today was Yee's Power Yoga Total Body early this morning and LOTS MORE stretching.
All this stretching.....I started to feel my IT band act up Sunday morning and freaked out! I immediately started EXTRA stretching, ordered a foam roller (finally, been wanting one for years), and hitting my legs with the rolling pin (as opposed to The Stick, lol). I feel good today, and I just want and NEED to avoid a total ITBS flare up, cuz that wouldn't be pretty. Today's SUPPOSED to be a 7 mile run w 5 miles at tempo, but I think I'm putting that off. I MAY hit the Y later for laps or the ellip; kids have half days this week so my schedule is a bit messed up there. Assuming the IT feels good, I'll get a run in tomorrow morning nice and slowly. Keep your fingers crossed this plan works, cuz I've got my 18 miler this weekend!
OK.....have an AWESOME WEDNESDAY! Thanks for being patient with my sporadic checking in!