SNAZZZZZZZY Ladies Check In...week of 03/06/2011


Morning Ladies.

Sat: D11 + abs
Sun: S90 Cardio Challenge
Today: D12 + abs

Not what I had planned for but atleast I did SOMETHING and now I officially only have ONE MORE WEEK OF MESO 1 TO GO!!!!!:D
Ended my rest week one day early and started Meso 2 with Hiit Cardio for my rotation.
30/30 with med ball abs. This is the first time I really took a rest week. I only did cardio 3x the whole week and nothing else. I felt great coming back today.
Good job on the recovery week Colleen. I can't do that. :eek: I won't lift but I still work out all 6 days as usual.:rolleyes:

Today was Cardio Combat Surge by Kim Spreen. SWEATY FUN! Legs are only feeling Disc 12 minimally today. I wonder if that means second day DOMS is gonna be bad!? Time will tell! :eek:
I love reading about the other workouts you do Wendy. Hi to Gayle and Terina.
STS Disk 13 today. I'm really concentrating on form with my shoulder work. I'm still angry at myself for tearing my shoulder 2 years ago testing 1r max's. I was so stupid!!! I'm only adding up in small increments and I'm almost back to where I was before I tore my supraspinatus. Daylight Savings comes this weekend. We may have tons of snow but at least it's bright longer and the birds are back singing a Spring Song.
Glad you are getting back to where you used to be with your weight lifting Colleen. Way to be patient and build it back up slowly so that you don't re-injure yourself like I probably would. :rolleyes:

Well, no 2nd day lower body DOMS either! If I were working out today (I'm not cause it's my rest day), I could do my 2nd leg w/o already! Crazy that DISC 9 had me limping for 3 and 2 days respectively and DISC 12 is next to nothing!? Ah well, perhaps I should be thankful that I am not in pain for once, huh? ;)
Good Morning.

So listen to this...I slept a little later then usual this morning and then couldn't get my arse moving fast enough so I decided to to delay Disc 10 til tmrw figuring that I didn't really have enough time for it and didn't want to rush. So I decided to do my cardio/leg day which was slated for tmrw instead. Well I got a wee bit carried away and it ended up being a 75 min work out! I could have done Disc 10 after all! LOL I was so wrapped up in killing my lower body that I even forgot to do abs! :eek::eek::eek:

Here's what I did:

LowMax: warm up plus blasts 1,2,3
Butts and Gutts: 1st walking lunge set-firewalkers-2nd walking lunge set
Lower Body Blast: Floor prone ham/glute work wearing 2# ankle weights
Inner thigh leg lifts wearing 2# ankle weights: 75 per side
LowMax: blasts 4,5,6
Lower Body Blast: All Standing Leg Conditioning Drills

I was DYING by the end and my legs are STILL vibrating from it I swear! If I don't have DOMS tmrw from this then I want my money back!!!:eek::p:D;)
Wendy, how SICK is it that I'm actually JEALOUS of that lower body workout you did? LOL

Colleen, feel better after the recovery week?

Yes, I'm sorry. I was MIA for a few days AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! I've been trying to get more stuff done around the house cuz I've gotten kind of lazy by sitting on the PC/laptop too much. get caught up since the weekend:

Sunday was a rest day after Sat's 16 miler.
Monday was a 6.3+ mile run, followed by a BFL (Body For Life) lower body pyramid workout and some of the floor work from GS Legs.
Tuesday was a BFL upper body pyramid weight workout in the AM and a 3/4 mile SWIM in the afternoon (getting better and stronger in the pool YAY)!
Wednesday was my stadium stairs circuit workout (all the snow/ice has melted).
Today was a TM/MMA:Boxing circuit...ran 1 mile, combo and blast #1, 1 mile, combo and blast #2, 1 mile, combo and blast #3 and 1 more mile....this morning. Then this afternoon I hit the pool again and got in a 1/2 mile swim before I had to get my kids at school.

I've reigned in my eating starting Monday. Time to get serious about that.....I can't keep slacking off so badly on the weekend. Please keep me accountable this coming weekend.

So..............................what's happening in YOUR world these days, ladies???
Gayle, That's not sick. It's the sign of a true Cathlete!;) Nice work outs! Yup, the eating part is definitely the hardest. I hear ya! I could probably lose a few pounds if I gave up my "vices" but I refuse to do that! :p LOL

Off to work out now.............DISC 10 OR BUST!:D

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I was just thinking of Theresa too. I was watching some footage online and quite frankly cannot even IMAGINE the enormity of all this. Just scary.

Wendy, great job closing out Meso 1. Sorry I baled on ya! ;)

This morning was Bis and Tris from the Gym Styles, then core work.
Had to rest my legs for tomorrow's long run.

What's that Gayle? You bailed on me? You mean you were doing STS!? I didn't even notice because you always forget to check in! :p:D Thanks...big accomplishment for me. I am awful at following rotations :eek:...the longer the harder it is for me so I am quite proud! :D

From what I am reading, Hawaii didn't get hit all that bad and they expect that it will be even less yet in Cali. Not that there's no damage, etc but it didn't end up to be as bad as they thought it might be. Happy for that atleast.
Just tryin' to keep us afloat here! :eek:

I have some nice bicep DOMS from doing disc 10 y'day.

Today will be disc 12. I don't want to work u/b 2 days in a row.

I also hope to have time/energy for some cardio and ofcourse abs today too!

Have a great day!
Wendy, "keep afloat" in what way? What's going on??? How was your workout???

I got in my long run was a small taper week, scheduled for 10 or 11. GPS/Garmin was dead when I turned it on, so I left it in the car. Then my friends all bailed at mile 4 but I felt good so kept going alone. It turned out to be an AWESOME RUN!!! I passed the 5 mile marker but didn't see the 6 by the time I turned around, so I logged somewhere between 11 and 12 miles! I was much more concerned with the TIME (not my RUN time, but the ACTUAL TIME) so I wouldn't be late getting home. I asked a few walkers on the trail for the time and I was in good shape. I felt awesome, the run was good, weather was incredible and I just felt in the ZONE! There's something to be said for JUST RUNNING without any set plans or paces.

ENJOY your weekend. I'm determined to get thru the weekend without binging or splurging too much!

This morning was LIS cardio + abs from LIC and then not too long ago I finished up STS Disc 12. :D One more to go til Meso 1 is history ladies! WOOT! :D

Gayle...By keeping us afloat I just mean on page one. :) Awesome run! Don't ya just love it when that happens!? :cool:

Off to make dinner! Have a great night!
Hi Gayle - Terina - and Wendy - I have been busy with the last week of reheasal and we go into tech rehearsal (lights, costumes etc. tomorrow.)
Today Cardio Step., did sts disk 14 legs Thursday, missed w/o Wed. no time, Cardio Circuits (cardio only and no equp abs) Tuesday, Monday started STS Meso 2 with disk 13.
Bronchitis and flue has been running through the cast and crew. Must stay healthy. We open on Friday.
This check in has been helping me stay on track with my workouts when I've wanted to cop out due to being tired.

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