SNAZZZZZZZY Ladies Check In...week of 02/27/2011


Good Morning.

Off to get Disc 9 done (for the 2nd time FINALLY) bright n early! Perhaps some cardio and abs too! Time will tell.


ETA:: Disc 9, KPC thru first set of hi int drills, standing abs from Absolute KB...DONE!
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HI Gayle, Wendy & Terina, I've been MIA for a few days. We've had some last minute showings of our house and my workout schedule went out the window. Last night I had the first food binge i've had in years! That used to be a big thing for me. I need my workouts to help me manage stress and when I don't get one.. I'll need to have a back up plan as to what to do. It was 3 degrees out side and I was not going for a walk!!!
I WILL get disk 9 done today! Not a great time to do STS but at least I have a plan. Then I get a rest week. I'll just do what I feel like doing. Light cardio, abs, & stretch. I'd walk but it's still too cold for my skin. I get broken blood vessels on my face ... I hate that .... other wise I'd still be a runner. But vanity won over out door fitness.
Talk tomorrow. I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend.
Hi, ladies. MONDAY MONDAY! And it's raining TERRIBLY here...calling for flooding and a thunder/lightning storm. Go figure.

I haven't posted in a few days, but I promise to go back and get caught up....later. The weekend was filled with miles (14 mile long run Saturday and 8.25 not-so-smart miles yesterday, lol). Had an adult night out Saturday night and had a ton of fun.

Real new friend and I are going to Hoboken NJ today to visit Carlo's Bakery, the Cake Boss guy. I'm soooooooooo excited...I LOVE Buddy Valastro! :D So we've each taken the day off and are making a day of it. The plan is to go there, visit/buy/EAT, grab a nice lunch maybe in NYC, then drive home and catch a movie (The King's Speech). My kids are covered till about dinner time, so I've got ALL day. I'm looking forward to it.

Workout-wise, I'll be doing it after dinner. I've got 2.53 miles to log to hit the 100 mile mark for February (that's what I meant by yesterday's not-so-smart 8+ miles, I was a bit achey from the 14 miler, but just HAD to work on the 100 miles for the month. Yes, sometimes even I have to admit I'm insane. lol).

I GOTTA SCOOT, or else I'd catch up now on your posts and personalize. I PROMISE I'll do that!

Well, I am DOMS'ing from Disc 9 so advil will be required but it's not as bad as it was last time, thank goodness. I did BM2 cardio this morning as produced through the power circuits but I omitted the weighted lower body work cause I'm not THAT crazy! :p Great sweat! BM2 cardio kicks my azz good!

Colleen:: Sorry running in the cold is such trouble for you. That's where a treadmill comes in handy! I will be getting one as soon as we have a house big enough to put one in! :D

Gayle:: Sounds like a fun day planned. BRING THE UMBRELLAS! ;)
Good Morning!

Still have lower body DOMS. Did disc 10 today which means upper body DOMS is on it's way just in time for a rest day tmrw...and maybe some left over L/B DOMS as well!!! :D

Colleen:: Hope you got a little sleep last night.

Gayle:: How was your day in Hoboken/NYC?

Terina:: Hope all is well with you!
It's MARCH already! Holy COW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wendy, hope your DOMS-filled body brings smiles throughout the day! :)

Our day yesterday was fun, but 'interesting'. It was a day-long date and I'm not sure how either of us feels about it. lol I felt like it was 2 friends, spending the day together. But I think he's mad at me....didn't call me last night nor hugged me when he left (which we've always done even before we started dating). Hard to explain. Whatever...I gotta let that worry go out the window.

I ended up WALKING on the treadmill last night, for just 3 miles, to hit the 100 mile mark. I knew running wasn't such a good idea but I wanted to hit that mark. So a little hill walk with wrist weights on; and that was it. I've got disc 13 Ch/Sh/Tri as soon as the kids get to school, and swim after school, And POSSIBLY the stadium stairs tonight if the group decides to do it today instead of tomorrow.

ANYWAY...gotta get a move on. BBL
Gayle:: Didn't you say that you and your friend were supposed to have a talk a few nights ago? Could that have something to do with how he was acting at the end of your day y'day?
sorry to hear about the rain & storms but I wish we had that instead of snow and more snow. I think it's the 2nd snowiest winter since 1870 something.
This is my rest week. I did Cardio Circuits cardio only & weight & plates abs yesterday. Today nothing and no guilt.
Gayle & Wendy your workout schedules are truly amazing. Do you compete in triathlons and marathons? I know I am quite a bit older than either of you but I couldn't do that kind of schedule even when I was younger.
Terina how are you doing? How are your grandchildren?
Off to cook dinner.
Colleen, one day SOON I'll share my list of scheduled events for 2011. Yeah, you could say I run and tri and everything in between. lol

Wendy, yes we had a chat the other night and aired some stuff. I thought we were all good and understood we were friends, and we'd see what comes of it. Then at the casino the other night he reaches over and takes my hand, which I allowed for a short time then put a stop to it (nicely, at least I tried to be nice). Then our trip yesterday, again I was getting the vibes that he wants the romance of a date...I'm not there! So yes, I'm sure I was cold in a way I didn't intend. But when I say I want to be FRIENDS, that means don't kiss me or do what you'd do with a GIRLFRIEND! There's so much more to it, but that's the most recent. He's a great guy, very generous and thoughtful. I just don't know if I'm not at a place where I WANT a romance or if I just don't want it with HIM. If that makes any sense.

ANYWAY...........the swim didn't happen today. The school nurse called and my younger son came home with me with a fever. So I did Intensity instead....felt good to sweat! I then tried to donate blood, but my iron tested too time.
Good Morning!

Colleen:: I used to run (and competed in several races, the longest being an 18 miler!) but gave it up a couple years ago when I lost my gym membership thru no fault of my own and then my work schedule changed making joining another gym pretty pointless. :( My goal is to buy a TM when we move into a bigger house some day! I will run outdoors butam not one to be totally dependant upon that. It's just not my thing so I gave up running until I can get back on a TM with regularity.

Gayle:: You and your friend are in a tough spot. He obviously wants more then you do (right now anyway). He needs to back off b/c I imagine his advances make you feel uncomfortable since they are not welcomed. He could inadvertently push you away by trying to get closer to you!

I went and "poked" Terina over on FB to get her hiney back here so hopefully she'll pop in soon! LOL

Rest day for me today. My chest is on fire from Disc 10!

I need your advice. I'm thinking of doing Meso 1 again instead of moving on to Meso 2 after my rest week.
Can you tell me any advantages vs disadvantages doing it 2x? My reason is my show opens in 16 days and rather than tire out with heaver weights and muscle soreness I'd redo Meso 1. I'm thinking it'll help with building strength in my shoulders and hands. That's where I'm feeling DOMS the most.
Today was cleaning the floors of the house top to bottom. 3 hours later I'm going to sit, work my lines and then get a short easy cardio & stretch in. Any suggestions for easy cardio? Oh, I forgot. What you all thinks is easy is my max out!!!:eek:
Gayle, just my opinion ... but I think men have a much harder time with the "being just friends" thing. If they have invested any time with you (especially if they have already been in a serious relationship and they have children) they see "time" spent with them as "serious". If you don't feel the same the same way about him, be careful. Men usually don't talk things out the way women do (not all men, I know), they speak with their actions.
Colleen, I'm trying to put myself in HIS if I totally fell for a guy who is just kind of ho-hum with me. I get it. My BIG question lately, and I pose it to YOU GIRLS, too: Do YOU think that a real, deep, romantic relationship can grow out of friendship? In other words, if I'm not instantly attracted to him (you know, where I've just GOT to get my hands on him and I'm DYING to kiss him, etc etc), can a relationship of love and romance and attraction grow FROM it? Does that make sense? What do you think?

OK......yesterday's workout was a 6 mile run with 4 at tempo speed (8:20), then med ball abs from STS. This morning I was back up at my SUPER early time of 4:30 and was in my driveway at 4:45. I logged over 4.2 miles in and around town (which was quite interesting at that time of the DARK morning) and then the floor/band work and leg conditioning drills from LBB! I'd like to get a swim in this afternoon. We'll see if it happens.
Work out report:

LBB Warm up followed by cardio blasts and slide disc exercises done in order as produced (blast 1, disc, blast 2, disc, blast 2), band work on floor, all 3 cardio blasts, prone hamstring work using 1# ankle weights, all 3 cardio blasts, all leg conditioning drills, HR abs, 1 minute side planks, stretch.


Not happy this morning even after all that though. Woke up at 2:30 and that was all she wrote. I laid in bed with my eyes closed til 4 but I was awake. :( I wanted to combine the LBB leg work with a much fiercer cardio (Tabata Inferno from S90) but as tired as I was I figured that wasn't a smart thing to do. I could've gotten through it but it would only make me feel even MORE exhausted later on in the day so I "winged" it and the above is what I ended up coming up with. Good work out. Just not as intense as the one I had planned on...

Colleen:: I don't see any problems doing M1 twice. I would go for it if you feel that's what you'd like to do.

Gayle:: Yes, I totally think romance/love can grow from a friendship. Their is no gaurantees that it will, or if it does, that it will be forever, but it definitely can happen.
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I think I need a LBB fix....I'm trying to picture how you made your workout WORK this morning, Wendy, but I'm drawing a BLANK! ACK!!!!!!!!!! I better do LBB SOON! :D
I think I need a LBB fix....I'm trying to picture how you made your workout WORK this morning, Wendy, but I'm drawing a BLANK! ACK!!!!!!!!!! I better do LBB SOON! :D

I just used the chapter menu to pick what I wanted to do and went for it. It was a lot of messing around with the dvd remote control but it worked out just fine! :)
Hi ladies! Im checking in for tuesday:eek: I did Pyramid upper body,my arms were sore the next day. Sorry I havent checked in,when dougie is up its hard to get on the computer. Yesterday and today no workout,I missed getting up early because I just could not fall asleep till 1am so when alarm went of @ 430 I rolled over and turned it off:eek:. I need better planning. I'm going to have to repeat febs rotation:mad:

Wendy,Colleen,Gayle you ladies rock!!!!
Good Morning.

Today's work out was S90's Tabata Inferno. It whooped my azz good. :eek: I lurve that work out! :D

Terina:: I haven't done the Pyramids in ages. Nice work out!

Leaving work an hour early today. Going to my first hockey game w/my DH, my BFF and her fiancee. They've all been. I'm the only virgin and I'm askeered! :eek:
I LOVE the Pyramids and am actually making some changes to my weight routine to better fit my longer long runs. And these new changes include PUB. :D

Wendy, enjoy the hockey game, just pay attention for flying pucks! LOL

So today's workout was Disc 15 Back/Biceps.

Tomorrow is my 16 miler, and because my older DS has a 3-on-3 basketball tournament at 9am and because I refuse to move my long run to Sunday ( :rolleyes: ), we're starting tomorrow at 5:45am. So, I'm going to bed in the next 2 hours. lol
My rest week started on Tuesday. I've only done 3 short easy cardios with some core thrown it. Crazy week, talk more later.
Hey Colleen. Enjoy the rest of your rest/recovery week!

My 16 mile long run is DONE! Started at 5:45 and my friend and I ran around my neck of the woods, stopped at my house around mile 7.4 to fuel up (I tried a serving of raisins today, which seemed to agree with my stomach) and use the potty, then ran TO the trail, met up with the group, and finished our mileage there. Got a ride home from someone and ALL WAS GOOD! Those last 2 miles KILL me everytime....fatigue setting in, my mind is telling me I'm almost done, etc. I'm a bit stiff now, but pausing during the day to stretch. ALL IS GOOD!

A bit of older has has a job. JOB! In a nutshell, he's working at the indoor sport facility where he's playing on this AAU basketball tournament team. The fee to be ON the team, once you make it, is $400! 400 DOLLARS! The timing wasn't good cuz of my insurance issue, etc. So I asked the owner/manager if he offered any kind of assistance or payment plan (I explained the situation, of course) and he offered for DS to work off his league fee. So, he's 'hired' him to work inside the facility pretty much doing what his employess do. He employes high school kids anyway, so DS will fit right in, not to mention SPORTS is his THING so I think he'll actually enjoy it. Just today, dropping him off, he already saw 3 kids he knows. lol I did a LOT of thinking on this before I asked DS about it, and I didn't want to make the decision FOR I laid it all out and he said, "Ok, I'll do it"! Good kid; I really think this is going to be good for him. He's gotta work for something he wants; he'll be responsible to a BOSS who ISN'T MOM; and I'm hoping it will lead to a PAYING job once he's old enough (which I think is 14). Anyway, not so short story, sorry.

Happy WEEKEND everybody!

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