SNAZZZZZZZY Ladies Check In...week of 02/21/2011




I was up early on our day off of school and did a quick and easy 2 mile run (that's what the training schedule called for, so that's what I DID, lol) and then Disc 14 Legs. I've skipped the repeat week of M1W4 and jumped right into M2. lol CUZ I WANTED TO, THAT'S WHY! :p:p:p I LOVE Meso's my fave of all 3 so I'm really gonna rock these next 8 weeks (Yes, I'm committing to repeating each week of this Meso, lol).

FRESH WEEK, FRESH START....what are YOU going to do with it?

Me...I'm going to get re-focussed with my eating. I've been getting way to slack on the weekends and every MOnday the scale is up about 4# and it takes 2-3 days to get rid of that and the bloat. NO MORE! FRESH START.
Hi there! sorry I haven't posted since saturday,but I did get get my workouts in like I posted on FB. It felt great. i had to sub plyo legs with another workout so I did slow & heavy legs.

Today,I did Imax 2( and did great! but interval 9&10 got me =0) +300 lunges.

Gayle,Im with you on the eating:eek:

Hi wendy and colleen!
Good Morning Ladies.

I got home from A/C y'day around 4pm. I was exhausted so I took a nap...for an hour...which is unheard of for me. Usually no more then 30 mins tops! I intended to work out (some cardio) before dinner but ended up with a bad belly. :( On Sunday I was supposed to work out as well but our day ended up being jam packed so I ran out of time. It was a fun day though so I guess it's alright! :p This morning I blew it off b/c I still don't feel right. My stomach is not right, I am a bit achey and still tired so I opted to sleep in. I either need to get friggin' sick or this crap needs to stop! Being stuck in between some where is soooo frustrating! :mad::mad::mad: So Saturday was my last work out!:eek: Intensity HiiT hi/lo.

A/C was a blast! Aside from having our usual good times, we also got to meet up with friends of mine from years ago that I hadn't seen in ages (over 10 years!) that live down that way. Great to see them. Hung out a lot. It was very cool. :) They took us to a local winery y'day so I now have a full wine rack!;) Unfortunately with my belly being the way it was/is, I wasn't able to have any last night. Hopefully I'll feel better by tonight though....fingers crossed.

Okay, enough babbling....I'll be back to catch up on personals a bit later.

Wendy, feel better. Do you think it's from food you ate or an actual bug??? Either way, I hope it GOES AWAY like...NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you had a great time.

Teri, good job on your workouts. Let's get it together with our food.

OK, starting today I'm going to TRY to log my food here. I need a good swift kick in the a$$. I do really well Mon-Friday, even Saturday. But the last few weeks, from Saturday night to Sunday night, it's like somebody else has taken over my head and my body and I have no control over my hand-to-mouth function. It really needs to stop. Last night I went to bed actually WISHING I'd throw up. How sad is that? :confused: Seriously.

SO.......I'll log on this post and just keep adding throughout the day. I've got my day's menu planned, so all I need to do is stick to it.
M1: yogurt with 29g Multigrain Cheerios mixed in
M2: homemade turkey chili
M3: banana, serving raisins
M4: homemade Chicken Noodle Soup w/ Rutabaga
M5: homemade turkey chili
M6: 3 whites/1 whole egg, steamed broccoli/cauliflower

As soon as the kids get to school, I'll be hitting disc 13 Ch/Sh/Bis. Do you guys remember/know how badly tri sets hurt? Well, my lower half is being reminded with every muscle movement. HOLY COW! LOL
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No I don't think it's anything I ate. I only had 1 meal prior to it starting and that was hours and hours and hours before that! :eek: As of the last few hours I just feel exhausted. Perhaps it's all due to exactly that. I had a long weekend of burning the candle at both ends for sure so I guess I wouldn't doubt it. Hopefully another good night's sleep tonight will kick it out the door. ;)

I know the "wish I'd throw up now" feeling after eating way too much. Hate that! I hope logging your food helps you regain control! I know you'll find something that works! You are normally very good with that it seems! Everyone's allowed a slip up now and then! No worries! You'll be fine! :)
Food is all good and logged above. YAY ME. Now, just to stay away from the junk for the next hour or so.
MMA Boxing today. Love that workout.
Disk 11 is scheduled for tomorrow.
Wendy I hope your tummy and energy return to health soon. It's so frustrating to not feel well but not know what's wrong.
Sorry for the short post. :eek:
Checking in with STS Total Body,that is one great workout. I didn't do the max rep test tho. I felt in the STS club with you all today.:)

Gayle,I'm going to really start watching my portions also I think thats my biggest down fall on this whole eating thing:eek:

Wendy I hope you fell better!
G'Wednesday Morning to to you all. I'd like to point out that 1)I posted TWICE yesterday and 2)I'm here 2 days in a ROW! :p

Teri, I love STS Total Body. As for food, for ME, it's not the portion control, it's the binging once I snack on something not-so-clean. (Although, I guess binging IS a portion control issue, isn't it? LOL) You know what I mean, I hope. So I'm watching it like a hawk right now.

Colleen, LOVE LOVE LOVE MMA Boxing and all that arm work! You're closing out Meso 1, right???

Wendy, how's the tummy today??? I hope better than yesterday!

After I get the kids out the door for school, I'll be hitting my treadmill for my 'working Wednesday run'. Wednesday is the day for the hard, working run...either intervals/sprints, tempo or mile repeats. Today it's mile repeats. The plan is a total of 7 miles; 2 miles to warm up (steadily increasing my speed and tossing in a hill here and there), the 1 mile fast (thinking just below 8:00, like 7:55 or so), 1/2 mile jog to recover, repeat that 2 more times, then a 1/2 mile cool down. It's gonna be hard with these sore legs, but I think I'll manage....I HAVE to! :D

My new friend is taking me out for lunch after I'm done at school. I have a small window between my getting home and my kids' dentist appts so we're squeezing it in. Here's my planned menu for the day, and I'll edit it if needed throughout the day:
M1: yo-cheese, Kashi Heart to Heart mixed in
M2: homemade turkey chili
M3: apple at work (less than normal, but I'm going for a 'real' lunch)
M4: turkey and cheese salad at the pizza place
M5: homemade chicken noodle soup with rutabaga
M6: 3 whites/1 whole egg, steamed veggies

OK...gotta scoot to get DS #1 ready for school!
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Good Morning.

I finally have a work out to report! Thank goodness!

RS (skipped challenge for time)

Good Stuff. Now I'm ready to take on dreaded Disc 9 for the 2nd time tmrw morning! :eek::eek::eek:

Page 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Gayle, I recently made home made turkey chili from a recipe I found at It was very good! :)

Terina, My answer to portion control at home is to eat off of smaller plates. I fill it up (not heaping tho! LOL) and when the food is gone I am done. It works out well for me. :)

Colleen, ITA. MMA Boxing is great! It's a popular one for me to take to A/C with me. Must get it as a download very soon for that reason! :) Ended up with cramps today from TTOM but y'day's issues are all gone thank goodness. I think it was ALL related to TTOM and exhaustion from the weekend. How are you sleeping these days?
Good Morning.

I opted for Tabata Inferno ala Supreme 90 this morning. Good stuff! :D

Original plan was Disc 9 but I didn't have enough time. I think I'll do cardio again tmrw and then do discs 9 and 10 back to back this weekend along with some short cardios if I have the time (and energy)! ;)

Hope everyone is doing well today!
Helloooo .... one more to go to finish Meso 1. Legs tomorrow. I've upped my weights this last week and I feel pretty good about that. I still have the weight record I used before and after I tore my shoulder 2 years ago. I see steady progress. I'm still not where I was before I tore it but I've been very conservative in rebuilding my strength. My goal is to be back where I was with HW by the end of Meso 3. I've found I can't do too heavy a cardio while doing STS in the past. I just burned out so I'm taking the cardio part easy. Hiit and MMA no Imax or 60 plus minutes. I'll bring tough cardio back in when STS is done.
Wendy. Sleep. Ha! Since starting rehearsals at night and getting home late I've had to take the stuff the Dr. prescribed but I've only been taking a 1/4 of the dose. I've added in B Vitamins for stress and some herbal adrenal support and that seems to help.
What is Tabata Inferno? Sounds very scary. :cool:
Ternia I like STS Total Body. I miss doing the new workouts since I've started STS.
Hi Gayle. Your schedule just leaves me in wonder. I think of you as Wonder Gayle. I hope you don't mind.:)
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Colleen...I've been sleeping okay (knock on wood) lately but even though I am going to bed nice and early and sleeping thru the night (w/the exception of the usual wake ups to pee or whatever), I am finding it tougher then usual to get my butt out of bed in the morning. Not sure what that's all about. :rolleyes: My DH and his mom sleep like babies. His sisters and dad hardly sleep at all. My FIL is the worst though. I think he literally sleeps like 2 hours a night. :eek: He will lay down and close his eyes for a few hours (maybe about 4 or so?) but will only actually sleep for like 2 of those hours. I would die!:confused: He just doesn't require much sleep I guess because it's not like he drags during the day or anything. My SIL's too. They need more then their dad but not nearly as much as I do! They probably function fine on an almost daily basis on less then my 6 hour absolute minimum I need to be human! :p Tabata Inferno is a 30 minute cardio work out in the Supreme 90 Program. It's based on Tabata training. 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest. It's set up in circuits of either 2 or 4 exercises and the circuits are repeated I think 8x if it's a set of 2 and twice if it's a set of 4. There is a minute rest between each different circuit. It's a butt whooper. Sneaks up on ya. Doesn't seem all that tough at first but watch out! :eek: I loved it!;)
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Sorry, I ONLY have time for a quickie post. I'll get caught up tonight or tomorrow (or when I'm dead, lol).

I'm pi$$ed at myself for allowing a binge AGAIN last night. UGH!!!!!!!! Terrible. BUT..............back on track, yet again, today. I took some time this AM to investigate what's going on and what's causing me to allow this to happen. It comes down to this new gentleman friend and my not 'feeling it' quite as much as he is....or anywhere NEARLY as much as he is. lol I'll explain another time...but suffice it to say I FEEL BETTER, mentally again....that's HUGE!

M1: 33g Kashi Heart to Heart pre-run
M2: homemade turkey chili
M3: skipped, cuz I forgot my snacks for work at home...UGH!!!
M4: homemade chicken noodle soup with rutabaga
M5: homemade turkey chili (cannot have ANY tomorrow cuz of Sat's Long run in the AM, lol)
M6: will be eating it at the basketball game tonight....gala apple and serving steamed edamame beans...YUMMY!

Headed out to DS' playoff basketball game. It's a late one, so I'm packing my meal 6. BBL
Good Morning.

Today's work out was S 90 Cardio Challenge and Ultimate Ball done with DOMS from Tabata Inferno! :eek::D Great stuff!

Tomorrow with be Disc 9 or Disc 10...depending on what hurts LESS on me in the morning! ;) I also want to add on a short cardio if possible. :)

ANYthing with "tabata" in the name has GOT to be hard! LOL

This morning for me was disc 15 Back/Biceps. DOMS are FINALLY all gone from my lower half! LOL Just in time for tomorrow's 14 mile long run. Perfect! ;)

Eating is under control today. Ended up eating AGAIN last night. Took some time this morning, looked at what's going on with me, and have made some progress in my head. lol I won't bore you with ALL the details, but the one I WILL share concerns my new gentleman friend. I'm not feeling it for him, and I can't force it. He knows something's going on and he's expecting my call tonight. I gotta just tell him all I feel for him is a friendship. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I can't keep dating him allowing him to think I'm 'interested'. Make sense?

I'll keep ya posted!!!
Aloha Friday!

Hi there ladies!
Checking in today with butt and guts,and I must say I saw improvement on my stamina since last doing this workout in july.But still got butt kicked:eek:
On Wednesday I was too sore to workout,then kids slept over so when they left on thusday evening I was to wiped out WO.:eek:

Eating a little better,working on eating 6 small meals and making them small.Wendy I think I'll use a smaller plate too.

Greeat going on the eating Gayle!!! and Good luck with "friend".

Hi Colleen.

I see you all are doing the STS series,whats your thoughts on those?

Lower body still hurts so I'm skipping Disc 9 for now and opting for 10 with some cardio and abs today. Hoping the LB will feel good enough for Disc 9 tmrw. Time will tell...


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