Snazzy Ladies January Check In Week of 2/06!

Not feeling up to par today but worked out anyway. I figured I would either speed up the inevitable (getting sick) or kick it's azz out the door. Well I kinda did the latter but not completely. Makes me happy though that I didn't decide to skip the w/o!

I did TJ Kickin' Core and the stability ball (legs) work from PLB. TOmorrow is my last active recovery work out, then a rest day and then back to business on Wednesday!:D
Wendy you crack me up. Your rest weeks put my workout weeks to shame.
Yesterday did Cardio Circuits. I couldn't do any of the roll backs so I modified. I could do them last year... Although it was a day of hard core cleaning for a house showing and planing of DS's sleepover. Just 15 minutes before the agent/client arrived we had a leak in our dining room ceiling. We've never had a roof leak in 8+ years of living here. The house is almost 98 years old but in excellent shape for an old house. This has been a hard winter in more ways than one.
I start rehearsals for Hamlet in one more week. That's why I'm using this check in to stay one top of my workouts. I want to be in shape and I mean strong - I'm not a slim gal even at my best weight - to handle the physical demands of the play on top of the challenge of the verse. BBL after disk 6.
Colleen:: Selling a house is a lot of work, huh? I don't look forward to it when we finally put ours on the market. I think that's one of the reasons we keep saying we will do it but never do...:eek: For my active recovery week from STS I am taking a break from heavy weight lifting, not from challenging work outs. :)

Just read on FB that Terina is/was at the airport today getting ready to officially to head to Disney! HAVE FUN TERINA!:D
Hi ladies. Monday MONDAY! And I'm tired. Up late hosting friends for the Super Bowl and the clean up afterward. Plus too much food that I don't normally eat, including a nice, silky, smooth chocolate fondue fountain. oh HEAVEN. But now my stomach isn't happy with me so it's a day of detox for me. I slept right thru my alarm, so we'll see if today ends up a rest day or if I squeeze in my scheduled lower body workout.

10K race yesterday was great. My official time is 51:03, an 8:13/mile pace. I'm super happy with that. It was a hilly course AND it was icy and slippery. I LOVED it! :D

I hope Teri has fun, Wendy that your last recovery day is awesome (and that you're not sick) and that you (Colleen) have the leak all figured out and fixed up.
Today's work out was a mishmosh of cardio...RS warm up, 1st 5 intervals of IMAX and the last step combo in MIC. Good stuff. :)

Gayle:: Food hang over, huh? LOL That's okay. You've been working hard. You deserve it. I made a turkey chili recipe last night that's healthy and uber yummy! Felt like a cheat and it wasn't! Best of both worlds! :D
Gayle I had the same food hangover as well. went to a super bowl party Sunday night. Anyway, Did disk 6 today.
I'll be in and out of checking in this week. I have to go out of town for 4 days and won't be able to do STS as planned this week. I'll take my Cathe non equipment cardio stuff.
Have a great week and I'll see you all on Saturday.
Well with Terina and Colleen being OOT this week and Gayle being the busy bugger that she is :), I am doubtful there will be much action here until possibly the weekend but I'm bringing the thread back to the first pages just in case.....

Rest day for me today...

Will check to see if anyone is around but probably won't post again until I see signs of life cause I am not a fan of talking to myself! :p LOL
So I'm a busy bugger, eh??? :D Yes, it's true, but GET THIS...........DS' last Middle School basketball game was last night and things settle down for a bit for a few weeks. He's still playing ball for his travel Cadet team, but that takes up much less time.

Let's see.....last I checked in was Monday, I believe, which turned out to be a rest day. Tuesday I did GS Chest/Tris and a run (iTread n Tush) and core/ab work from PUB. Today I got in another run, followed a few hours later by PLB. DOMS all over right now, and loving it.

Kids and I are headed to Barnes & Noble to look around...younger DS needs a book for a project, then we're meeting my new male friend ;) at Panera for my BDay dinner (my choice, I LOVE that place) and then we're all coming back to my house for a frozen yogurt BDay cake. YUMMY! Needless to say, my food accountability is NON-EXISTENT! lol But............I'll need you guys tomorrow to get me and KEEP me back on the wagon. I stocked up on fresh veggies this afternoon and will start to stock my fridge with some prepped food again tomorrow. KEEP me ACCOUNTABLE the next few days as that nasty sugar-junk-food-induced voice tries to pull me back to the dark side. PROMISE???

OK....gotta scoot! Hope you're ALL doing well!

OH!!!!!!!!!! I also wanted to ask....are we ALL on Facebook? And if so, would you girls rather have a private group there for this? Or rather just stay here? Doesn't matter to me, just thought I'd ask. I know I'm on FB quite often during the day.
Hi Gayle.

Yep you are a busy bugger! LOL :p

Anywho...If everyone agrees to moving over to FB that would be fine w/me but I am also happy here so either way works for moi! :)

I will do my best to help you beat the sugar demons after today's treats (Happy Birthday again btw!) but I am not always so good at it myself! :p LOL I usually allow myself a couple small sugary treats per day (usually in the form of chocolate SOMETHING) in order to keep any binges at bay. It doesn't ALWAYS work though. :confused:

Right now though my "sin" is the wine...I was having a single glass a night during the week and loving it...until last week when 1 suddenly turned into 2!!!:eek: I have pulled back on the reigns as of Sunday though and am back to 1. It works for me. It makes me happy and I reserve weekends for a bit more indulging if I desire. ;)

Okay, I'm tired. I got to sleep in today (5:15am woo hoo! LOL) but tmrw it's back to business! 4am comes mighty quick so I better get some sleep!

Nighty night!:)
Stoppin' by to report my work out!

Cardio/Leg Day Mish Mosh!!!! :D

BBL Bum Bum
LBB All Floor Work
Tonique Mat back lying segment up to but not including bicycles
2.5 min prone plank
30 side plank hip raises per side
Good Lord....I can't remember to check here everyday. SORRY! :)

To get caught up, Thursday was GS Back/Sh/Bis in the AM and the in the PM I got in a 1/2 mile swim, which nearly put an end to me. lol But I got it done. Friday was a rest day (imagine that) and this morning was my long run with my running group....9+ miles in the cold and on a pretty icy path. Honestly, I'm getting fed up with all the ICE! Seriously......:D

Wendy, what're you up to today? WHen will the rest of our gang be back and around again?
Thanks for stoppin' by Gayle! ;) Sorry about the nearly life ending swim-LOL. What went wrong?? And a rest day? Wow..things are really getting strange around here!!!!:p

My work out for today was STS Disc 8 and about 20 minutes of the cardio from KCM's Bootcamp work out. Abs were skipped for time (skipped once a week anyway so this was it!) but there's always tmrw! :)

I don't know exactly when the peeps shall return Gayle but I'm thinkin by Monday??? They don't necessarily post every single day so it's hard to say but I think they will be home by then anyway....Not sure about Colleen but from what I'm seeing on FB it seems Terina is having a blast in Disney! We might take our little guy to Disney this summer! :D

Guess that's all for now.....:)
Hi Wendy & Gayle. I'm back from the cabin. I was up on the icy shores of Lake Superior. I got lots of work done but I missed my workouts. Do you feel cranky and achy when you miss too many? I only got in MMA Fusion in on Wed. and did STS disk 7 with a long stretch. today.
I'll check the posts I missed tomorrow.

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