Snazzy Ladies January Check In Week of 1/16

Today's work out was short but it kicked my arse just the same! :eek: I did half of 6 week 6 pack w/o#2 which is heavy on the cardio factor and then kept that cardio going but added in the extra leg w/o at the same time with the lunge segment from Tonique Premier. It was about 40 minutes and was exactly what I needed this morning! :)

Oh Gayle, another snow day for you and your kids tmrw would be awesome! My fingers are crossed you all! :D Nice leg work out! I miss LBB. Gonna need to start using parts of it in my extra leg routine each week! :)

Yup, sleeping for me has become quite the challenge at times. It's funny though because it goes in cycles. I do fine for a while where I will sleep like a baby. Then there's the period where I will sleep through the night but it's riddled with back to back night mares. :confused: And lastly and certainly THE WORST is falling asleep fine but waking up around 2am to pee and not being able to fall back to sleep. :mad: Melatonin has been suggested to me and I just might give it a shot.
wendy, the sleep thing has been torturing me for the past 3 years. PM me if you'd like.
Yesterday I did STS Total Body. Due to lack of sleep I may not to BB2 but might sub in MMA Boxing instead.
Thanks Colleen. I took you up on the offer! :)

Hey Gayle..Have you been hitting the abs 5x a week still? What do you think of it?
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Sleep issues. KNOCK ON WOOD.....I've been pretty good. Every few weeks, I'll get a night where I am WIDE awake after my 2:30am potty break. But it's been pretty good straight thru the night (or right back to sleep after that break) for a few weeks now. DON'T JINX ME.

Wendy, funny you should ask cuz I was just looking at my workout log for the past 2 weeks and the answer to your question would be NO for those 2 weeks. With all the swimming and now increasing mileage, my time has been eaten up. BUT.......after this morning's workout (or maybe DURING it while I was working core, lol) I resolved to getting back to it. Even if it's just 5 minutes. Thanks for keeping me accountable to that.

Today's workout was awesome, and longer because, guess what...SCHOOL'S CLOSED again. :D Here was my playlist this morning:

MMA Kickbox (ALL of it including the core)
Intensity Lo HiiT
Ab Circuits Med Ball Abs
STS Extended Stretch (LOVE LOVE LOVE this one)

My core is feeling it already from all the twistin gin the KB and then the 2 core segments.

I'm going to the Y later today sometime for some laps also.

What's on your agenda for the weekend, ladies???
Good Morning.

I did KPC in full this morning. :D My legs are soooo sore from doing Tonique y'day. I love doing k/b on sore legs. The kicking helps stretch 'em out!

My son has a delayed opening again so I am going to be late to work. :rolleyes: Thank goodness my boss is cool. I mean technically I get charged for the time by using vac/personal time but for last week's delayed opening he told me not to worry about it so I didn't lose any vac time over it!:D Can lightening strike twice perhaps?? ;)

Gayle:: Lucky girl with another snow day! Wow, great work out plans for your day as well. Yes, get back into that ab work pronto lady! ;) When I am really short on time I just do plank work for a few minutes and it's done. Doesn't take much time really!:) So my DH is telling me that they are looking at a possible BIG storm for next week (think blizzard). I heard a quick mention of this a few days ago myself but no details at all. Have you heard this? I have no idea what the storm's path is so not sure you would be affected but figured I would ask anyway.

Wendy, I heard the same thing. A friend of mine works for PENN DOT and gets constant conference calls, emails, updates from AccuWeather. She's been keeping us updated....I'll pass it along your way when I get more info.
Wendy and Gayle you are getting pounded. I can't believe how much snow you are getting.
Terina, I still haven't checked out the energy drinks but I'll get to it soon. I need something.
I'm listening to my body and I'm going to drop Cathe's Jan. rotation. Too tough for me right now.
Yesterday I pulled out Tracy Long's old TLT's and did Core with Susan Harris. Just what I needed right now. I know I can modify Cathe but I always feel like a slacker when I do it.
So I'm going to do just TLT's for a week and add in abs and stretches (love the stretch on STS too!) and see how I feel in a week or so.
I want to stay in my pajama's until March. I know it could be worse but 12 below is too cold. You can't get warm inside even!!!
Colleen:: IKWYM about keeping your pj's on. All of this snow makes me want to do the same thing. Glad you are listening to your body. Enjoy the TLT's. I got them for free from a fellow Cathlete who wanted to unload them. I did one and then got distracted and haven't tried the rest. :rolleyes: Some day maybe! :p
Colleen, I agree...enjoy your TLTs. Are you 100% yet?

I'm the same with my pjs and sweats. Everytime I walk in the door, and know I'll be home for at least an hour, I change into pjs/sweats. lol Even in the summer....I love wearing my black yoga tank and black/grey leopard pjs bottoms. :D ..............can't WAIT to dig those back out in the Spring. :D

Wendy, LOL at the 'got distracted' remark. I've got my blinders onto right now and just truckin' along with STS so I don't get distracted by a different weight routine. lol Funny.
Gayle...First thing I do when I get home from work is change my clothes! Sweats, leggings, shorts, pj bottoms...anything that's soft and plyable is my goal with a t-shirt or tank top and then if I'm cold I wear my robe over it. I may actually fair ok with STS since it's only 3 days of "scheduled work outs" and the rest is free for me to choose! We shall see! Ofcourse anything is possible with the queen of ADD over here! :p
Please don't think

Hi ladies!
OMG! please don't think i'm a person who can't keep her word,I know I commited to doing 6 days this week,but wednesday hubby randomly decided to do my hair (straighting it) since the last time I did it it didn't take and its been driving me nutso! Im not able to wash it for 3 days. this was the only time we had and I wanted to get it done ASAP:cool:. I will be back on Monday.

But I am sticking to my 6 meals a day and wacthing my portions!:)

have a great weekend!!!!

ps I'll be popping in to see what you all are doing:)
Terina, My BGF gets that type of straightening treatment done to her hair. If I didn't wash my hair for 3 days I'd be a grease ball for sure (and it has nothing to do with working out). :eek: Luckily my BGF (and you too probably)has just thick dry hair that she can get away with it. Now please stop worrying that you look bad b/c you need to take 3 days off for this. You are light years ahead of most of this country for what you do regarding fitness. 3 days off is nothing! You are awesome! 'Nuff said! :)
Hey Ladies.

Crawled back in bed at 4:30...dozed a bit until 6:30 and then gave up and got out of bed. :confused:

Somehow I mustered the energy to get STS Disc 5 and CTX All Step cardio and abs all done back to back a little while ago and well, thank goodness it's behind me! LOL

I am showered and have eaten now I'm going to lay down! :p

Hey gang. I have to catch up on the posts since MY last post, but I don't have time now or tonight. THe day started with my 9 mile long run with the group (in 4 degrees, YIKES), then breakfast with them, straight to DS' basketball game, now younger DS is going to a Scout sleepover and I'm going out on Date #2. I'll keep ya posted tomorrow.
checking in. Missed yesterday - Terina I sympathize with your feelings in having to taek 3 days off - when you've committed to a schedule and want to stay on it but life gets in teh way. As Wendy said your light years ahead of most folks. The break might even be beneficial in ways beyond hair. (which I get too.)
Sleep! Ha, I've whited knuckled it for a month and I had to take a prescription med for the past 2 nights. I get 3 hours and then nothing. Can't even nap. No sleep. I think we do the best we can.
I did TLT Core Cardio today. It's really good at getting those small stabilizer muscles worked on. iI's less intense than Cathe but still hard in another way.
Tomorrow. TLT Strength.
Food is going much better. Glad the Holidays are over.
Those of you in the snow cold belt. Sending you warm wishes.
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