Had a great weekend and nice time off.
Checking in with an early morning workout,I did 4day split High Intensity step with chest and back. I guess last time I did this step I didnt know the steps to well but today....WOW!!! I love it! I also think I may have to purchase 15bls soon for one arm rows.
This morning I did High Step Training, and WTH (HECK)!!!!!!! the cardio section had me huffing and puffing,I hadn't done this workout for a long time, I had forgotten how good it is. The only thing is the music, Its the same music is in The Firm BSS #1(its just not very motivating),to bad there is no audio option.
Booty Barre:: Upper Body
Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit:: 1 round of w/u then w/o thru 1 round of 2nd set of intervals
Intensity:: HiiT Lo only
Booty Barre:: Abs/Stretch
Thank you Wendy! I'll have a lot of questions for you later I'm excited to start the rotation but nervous at the same time.
Checking in with bootcamp from 4daysplit,when doing biceps I noticed my left arm is stronger than my right arm( probably from carrying josyah......lol and also left leg is stronger than right,struggled to do leg press with right on 14" step the other day. :0
Checking in with B&G,it was supposed to be done with CCC,but I didn't have time this morning,being hubby is not here and I have to be showered and ready when the 2 little ones come I may do it tonight but will see. I got one more day of my rotation and IM DONE!!!!! its been a while since I completed a full rotation.Then I'll jump into my friends JoAnn's rotation =)
Wendy-I think you need to track down Gayle & Colleen.....
Are you going to be ordering Cathe's new dvds?
Terina, Great work out and congrats on the just about completed rotation! IKWYM cause I usually have hard time completing them too! Yeah, I need to go poke Gayle on FB. I don't know how to catch up with Colleen outside of the forums though. She'll have to find her way back w/o me I guess. I'm sure she'll do fine though.
From a daily thread, to a weekly and now a MONTHLY thread! LOL Too funny!
SORRY.....yeah, I know, you've heard it all before.
I've been busy with stuff...not SWAMPED and certainly not so much that I should have missed posting with you guys for an entire week! I admit that. But I was battling some mental demons last weekend and the early part of this week I spent worrying myself SILLY about this weekend's Tough Mudder event. Just suck it up and DO IT already! (that's me, talking to myself).
SORRY! I get like this when a rather big event is right on the horizon...I get tunnel vision and seem to not be able to see past that day. I'll be better Sunday afternoon when the Mudder is DONE and I'm home and warm and dry and clean!
I really hope you ladies had a great week. The weekend is upon us and I'm wondering what YOU have on the weekend horizon???
A good friend shared this video with me when he heard I was in a rough spot:
Busy weekend ahead....
I need to hit Sports Authority. I want to replace the few sets of neoprene DB's that I have with cast iron ones -I want to buy place weights and they won't be very useful if I can't use them with these particular DB's.
I need to hit the food store for weekly shopping + ingredients for the YTB determined new recipe of the week that I will cook this weekend!
Promised DS I'd take him to see HOP in the movie theater.
The house needs to be picked up desperately and the laundry is starting to pile up!
Gayle:: So is your race today or tmrw? I want to hear about it! I know you'll do great! You are tough! You will beat this thing!
Dang laundry NEVER seems to learn to wash itself, does it?
I have a pair of plate weights that hold onto my 10# neoprene-covered DBs just fine. It's the only pair of covered DBs I own, but the magnets hold strongly onto it. Just thought I'd mention it.
The Tough Mudder is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on the MUD!
Group run this morning....7+ miles on a hilly route. Why not, right? I joined the group for breakfast and had 2 egg whites and oatmeal....not bad choices for a DINER!!!
Nothin' like being up before 6am on a Sunday for no good reason!
I need to hit Sports Authority. I want to replace the few sets of neoprene DB's that I have with cast iron ones -I want to buy place weights and they won't be very useful if I can't use them with these particular DB's.....CHECK for the 5's and 10's but went to two stores and couldn't find 12's. The search continues. Also ordered the place weights. I got 4 of them. I think that should be enough. I already have plate mates which are 1.25 # a piece so getting more place weights seemed silly. Can't wait to try em out!
Gayle:: DON'T LEAVE US IN SUSPENSE! HOW'D THE RACE GO!!?!?? Thank you for you input on putting place weights/plate mates on neoprene DB's. I have done it in the past as well with my plate mates but am very paranoid of it so I would rather just buy the cast iron. Only 3 sets of lighter weight DB's to replace so it's not that bad.
I need to hit the food store for weekly shopping + ingredients for the YTB determined new recipe of the week that I will cook this weekend!...On today's to-do list! Have the recipe narrowed down to 1 of 2 choices as well.
Promised DS I'd take him to see HOP in the movie theater.....Also on today's to do list! A matinee after my work out!
The house needs to be picked up desperately and the laundry is starting to pile up!...Got a lot of this done y'day. Need to finish up today.
Today's work out will be STS M2 W2 D18 + cardio and abs!
Wendy-what are place weights? Its funny because im gonna head out to Sports Authority soon too to buy 4bls DB for shoulder work,and my laundry is also piling up.....
Gayle-saw your post on FB,awesome about the run!!!
Checking in for saturdays workout I did 4day spilt,Intensity step. great music on that one.
Today it was going to be a a rest day but I may end up doing my 1repmax test for STS total body,i've been putting that off,and now that I have house to self its a good time.
Terina...Place weights are .5 pound magnetic weights that you can stick to any cast iron DB or BB in order to up your weight load by small increments. There are also plate mates which are the same idea only bigger. I have a set of plate mates that weigh 1.25 pounds each. I needed something smaller. I have Cathe's one pound gloves which I love but they can be a pain to keep taking on and off during weight training. LOVE them for kickboxing though! Were you able to find your DB's at Sports Authority?