

I've just read yesterday's thread.......Mouse "toys," birthdays, working computers,...... :) .... You guys, I have to come tell you that I have less than three weeks now to complete that project I've been working on, and I will be seriously burnt toast if I don't get to it. :eek:

So please forgive me and keep our smileyfires a-burnin'!

I'll do my best to stop in and read and hopefully post, but for now, consider me on vacation for the next 3! :cool:

And y'all better post or there will be smileyhell to pay. :mad:

Good morning August. Enjoy your 3 week vacation :p. Serious burnt toast is what I feel like after working the long weekend. It was just too busy for a two person crew to handle and we had to stay late 2 days.

I don't get a day off until Friday, when we'll be heading to Watkins Glen for the Grand Prix Festival. I hope the hurricanes and tropical storms hold off long enough for us to keep the top down on the sports car!

Jennifer, did you find any knights this weekend? There is a Ren Faire a couple hours away from us that we love to go to. It's been several years since we've gone. It's pretty expensive...

Jennifer, how are you?

Michele, how's your FIL? The rest of the damily? Any trips coming up? I sure hope so. You deserve and NEED a break!

Dana, did your school start last week, like the ones in my area? Are things still crazy at work?

Hi to anyone I missed. I know, I'm a terrible check-in-er...
Hello Everyone,
Yes, this Faire was quite expensive. All the food was $5 and soda/water was $5 too. It is on a permanant site in Holly built into a hill with trees.
Another long short week at work. Someone might get sent home early this week, next week for sure. I am keeping my opps open but not much happening here right now either.

Have a Great Day!!!
Good morning Smileyville!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am starting my new rotation today as well as my "life change"! It sounds like I am hitting menopause- I will have to come up with a new name for it :).

August, thanks for the candid review of BFFM- I went ahead and bought it, although I haven't read the whole thing- I've read the first 50 pages- you were right about the introduction, it was very motivating. I am a serious endomorph. I have a clean clean clean menu planned for today, and started my Sep rotation workout (RS) this AM. Good luck finishing your project!

Jennifer- I hope you had a wonderful time at your Renaissance Fair. I am going to find one in Texas since I just moved here- I love love love Renaissance Fairs with turkey legs (lots of protein) and medieval dress. Hugs to your cats!

Michele - hope your family is doing well!

To all the rest- have a wonderful day,

Lisa, do you dress up for Ren Faires? I've never had the nerve, but it looks like fun to "fit in." Menopause was a snap for me. It's post-menopause that is causing issues - night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia....

Jennifer, yeah, plus the $30 entry fee...Multiply that times a family of 4 and guess why we don't go much anymore.
G' mornin'

Ah'm plum wore out. I can't do much more of this running back and forth to my in-laws. I'm completely exhausted and my eyes just feel like they want to clamp shut. I woke up this morning feeling okay, but holy crap -- it's not even noon and already I want to take a nap!

This weekend was so freaking busy, and DH and I didn't get to do one.single.thing that WE wanted to do, alone together. I take that back -- we went out to dinner Saturday night and that was very nice.

Augie -
You guys, I have to come tell you that I have less than three weeks now to complete that project I've been working on, and I will be seriously burnt toast if I don't get to it.

So please forgive me and keep our smileyfires a-burnin'!
We'll keep the smileyfires burnin for YOU this time!! Or at least we'll try -- lol!! Of course, nobody else can compare with your smiley wit and creativity, but we'll do our best. And it looks like Dana is nipping at your heels!

I'm sending you all the creative power vibes that I can muster, and they'll arrive on the back of my prayers.

And y'all better post or there will be smileyhell to pay.
Ooooooh...I'm scared now! LMAO!!

Robin -
I don't get a day off until Friday, when we'll be heading to Watkins Glen for the Grand Prix Festival. I hope the hurricanes and tropical storms hold off long enough for us to keep the top down on the sports car!
Oh how nice! You guys always do such fun things together. Can I come live with you!? LMAO!!

Trips? Trips? Well, I guess we're going to plan one and then play it by ear. :(

Jennifer - The Renaissance Festival is here now until October. I have never ever gone to it. It just doesn't interest me at all. A lot of the people who work this fair are so... so... weird! I've met several of the people who work it and they're a strange bunch! I'll just leave it at that. LMAO!!

Lisa - So you bought BFFM! I'm sure it's a great book, and if I can ever find my copy I might read it, too. I have a reputation for buying all sorts of books and DVD's and never using them -- lol!! My latest venture was the Precision Nutrition plan by John Berardi -- no -- no -- It's Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D. LMAO!! This guy really wants to make sure everybody knows he's a doctor, but his Ph.D. isn't even in nutrition. Anyway, the plan is fine, I'm sure, but he annoys me so much I can't deal with it. :rolleyes:

Now I'm toying with the idea of signing up for Cathe's premium membership package. :p

Hello to Jen, Dana, Becky, Cuz, and anyone else I may have missed.

Okay everyone, I have to skedaddle. I'm going to take a short nap and then do my Cardio Coach workout. I'll BBL if I can.
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Hey ladies!

August ~ we'll miss you for the next 3 weeks. Pop in if you get a chance to breathe!!!

Robin ~ our school started last week and YES, I'm still crazy busy here. I hope you have a great upcoming weekend. You deserve it!

Michele - I like your rotation. Looks good! Doesn't that luxury spa look wonderful!!!! That is my dream vacation. The spa at Hotel Hershey is a bit similiar but doesn't offer as many fitness classes or kayaking.

Lisa - so what is on your menu for today?

Jennifer - hello!

Hello to the rest of you!!!!! I'm so stinkin' tired. I've been really tired the past few weeks - I do not sleep good at night. Like right now, I could fall asleep, but when it is time to go to bed, I'm wide awake. Weird!!!

Tonight's workout is probably going to be KB. Gabe has soccer til 6:30 and then I have to go home, make dinner, clean up and help w/homework. I'm hoping I can get it in around 8:00. That workout isn't too long so I should be able to squeeze it in.

I better get going! I have 5 min left of my lunch and I have bills to write out!
Dana, I have heard that Meat ganoderma lucidum helps with tiredness and lack of energy. It also types and answers the phone.

Michele, slap some Meat ganoderma lucidum on your MILs foot and I'm sure it will improve. Do they serve this at your favorite restaurants?

August, I have also heard that smoking Meat ganoderma lucidum helps with creativity. If that doens't work, you can use slabs of it to make workout shoes and bras.

Jennifer, I think you can put a small piece of Meat ganoderma lucidum under your pillow at night to help you dream about your knight in shining armor.

If anyone is interested, email me. I'm selling some at $1000 a pop - a bargin!
Robin I am so glad that you posted the wonderful things that Meat ganoderma lucidum can do and I see that you are offering it for $200 less than other sellers. I"m sold!!!!! Seriously, I'm glad that I"m the only one here right now b/c I was laughing at loud at my desk - you nut!!!! I'm glad that your sense of humor has returned.
Hello Smileyville.
It was $15 for us to enter each with no parking fees. This faire normally gets people from Canada and all over the midwest. Next year, we plan to dress for it. The good thing about the Faire is that both of us forgot our troubles literally that day. It was hard to take in all of it at first but then it all sinks in later.
Hope you have a great night.

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