<--- Smile and wave

<--- is sending get better soon vibes to Melissa
<--- congratulates Jes on her new roof:)
<--- is taking a break from cleaning to eat some cottage cheese with fresh sliced pear and cinnamon
<--- says YUM!
<--- thinks the dog is getting freaked out by her music because he keeps barking at NOTHING:p
<--- is going back to cleaning now
<--- only has the bedrooms left to dust, then vacuuming and bathrooms
<---comes in out of the cold from an hour powerwalk
<---feels great after walking in the cold air!
<---only slipped once but didn't go down (phew)
<---hopes Melissa feels better soon
<---'s one son got over stomach bug now the other guy has it poor little thing
<---is still cringing from all those giant bugs <---saw last night
<---says thanks about the jeans, if it wasn't for you guys <---'d still be in 16's!
<---is glad Amy didn't destroy her TV
<---asks Jes for some spiced cider; glad she got a new roof
<---tells Wendy to have fun shopping; can relate to the hollow leg syndrome this week
<---wishes <---was almost done cleaning too, considering cleaning the bathroom since there's work tomorrow
<---joins Debbie in the procrastinating on finishing working out and cleaning
<---hopes Debbie gets a workout in soon
<---is off to do some laundry, abs and (SIGH) the bathroom
<---says see ya all later

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/143/.png[/img] [/url]

<---is checking in real late today
<---slept 'til almost noon, downed a pot of coffee and did Step Blast
<---finished off with SJP abs
<---is having first meal of protein shake at 2:30 p.m.
<---congratulates Kali on her size 6 jeans!:)
<---hopes Super Debbie gets to have a full night's sleep
<---is glad to see Mama Deb
<---tells Jes she also has to get a grip on her eating
<---ate so much crap yesterday after fighting the crowd at Wal-Mart
<---gets terribly depressed by crowds for some reason
<---remembers to NOT push a full and heavy cart with a child in it, in a big store after doing PH and MIS upper body back to back EVER AGAIN
<---is chuckling over Amy's wanting to shoot the TV
<---hopes Melissa feels better

<---says afternoon ma'am
<---tips hat & curtsies
<---is all happy w/ haircut & highlights
<---likes to get a little jazzed once a year ;)
<---is now trying to type & entertain the kiddo
<---says, didn't know I was a multitasker, huh?
<---just finished another mug o' brew
<---wonders if anyone wants to play w/ moi
<---winks, nods, wiggles nose & ski hops out of thread

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---hopes Melissa feels better lickety-split!
<---glad Jes is getting a new roof!
<---hopes Shelley and Kali get thier cleaning done asap!
<---glad Debbie likes her hair!
<---hopes Pinky didn't fall back to sleep after doing work out!:p
<---is back from shopping and was successful.
<---washed a sink full of dishes and is doing some laundry now.
<---DH got home from work and is now taking a nap.
<---gots to leave house in about 45 mins.
<---is going to SIL's for a visit and to haul up Christmas gifts so that less will have to be hauled on Christmas Eve.
<--- is checking in again, after breakfast, a shower, and finishing HP6
<--- cried the last 50 pages of HP6 because we all have to wait at least another year to read HP7
<--- is headed to mom's house to track down HP5, since <--- lent it to her and hasn't seen it since, but needs to reread it because <-- forgot almost all of it and now thinks it was important
<--- doesn't know if work will be in the picture today or not
<--- loves Christmas
<--- also loves the fact <--- cleaned the bathroom on Wednesday, and doesn't have to do it today!!!
<--- wants DH to do the floors, but isn't gonna hold <--'s breath!!! :p
<--- might make fudge this afternoon
<--- really needs to GET UP off the couch!!!!!
<--- now wants to get highlights, too!!
<--- says have a great day all, and good luck with shopping, cleaning, wrapping, and oh yeah, breathing in between all those!!!
<---is a little envious of everyone who is running around doing things
<---had 2 teeth extracted with bone grafts yesterday
<---is glad pain is subsiding but is still dizzy and tired from all the pain meds from yesterday
<---sympathizes with Melissa
<---is sick of yogurt and cottage cheese
<---would like to eat something crunchy
<---was supposed to work this weekend but is blowing it off
<--- is glad to hear Nancy is blowing off work
<--- is sorry to hear why Nancy is blowing off work
<--- hopes the pain gets better and less tiring soon!!!
<--- is off to work finally, must get off the couch before 1:45pm on a SaTURDYa


<-- guesses that means Gracie wants to say hi too!!!
<----wonders what Shelley is baking
<----still needs to go out tonight and do more shoppingx(
<----hopes the crowds will be thinner by then
<----hopes Nancy feels better soon
<----was glad to see Mama Deb post and hopes Mama Deb drops in more often:)
<----is doing LaundryMax
<----is starting to panic about too many things to do and not enough timex(

<---says automatic supersonic hypnotic funky fresh
<---sings ooooooheeeeee make your body lose control!
<---ahem. hi ladies!
<---waiting for DH to wrap up studing so we can eat
<---thinks boybs is getting to be a scoochybear
<---thinks one more 4am day & <--- will be a schoochybear
<---says let me see y'all 1 2 step, love it when y'all 1 2 step

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---tells Debbie that y'all can see her 1 2 step when she's 3/4 down a bottle of merlot:)
<---really hopes Debbie can sleep tonight:)
<---sends Tammy lots of relaxing vibes
<---hi Gracie!
<---hopes Nancy's pain goes away and bone graft heals fast
<---tells Wendy she was SO tempted to go back to sleep:p
<---is currently scrapbooking son's old photos
<---is finishing off year 2003
<---covered an 18-month period in about a week
<---thinks she does too much for the little booger:)
<---is wondering what to have for dinner
<---is thinking of cookies}(

<--waves and hopes everyone is having a good weekend
<--thinks all that she does for her little "booger" is what makes her such a great mama!;-)
<--hopes Debbie gets to sleep in tomorrow
<--knows how Tammy feels and also has too much to do
<--says "Yikes!" to Nancy's dental work and hopes she is feeling better and is able to eat crunchy foods soon
<--had a stressful day and is having ONLY two glasses of wine tonight ;-) because <-- plans to run 8 miles tomorrow morning
<--- agrees with everything Laura said, except that
<--- is running 5 miles tomorrow morning, and
<--- can't drink wine one night and run the next day- tried it, doesn't work!!!
<--- is about to start wrapping DH's gifts!!! and will leave the rest of the gifts for him to wrap, since <--- did ALL of the buying/deciding/shopping for everyone else
<--- thinks DH should get her a Cathe gift to say thanks!!! }(
<---thinks that if she can eat birthday cake for breakfast, then Pinky can surely eat cookies for dinner!:9 :9 :9
<---just realized she bought nothing for DH:eek:, after reading Amy's post
<---wishes Laura good luck on her 8 mile run
<---wonders if a scoochybear is a good thing or a bad thing?

<---tells Tammy she just baked brownies:9 :9 :9
<---oh yeah, babe... as Emeril would say:)
<---thinks scoochybear is kinda like little booger, as in, Mama's tired but loves ya anyway
<---correct me if I'm wrong, Super D
<---is envious of anyone who can run:p
<---'s little booger is yelling at her to slice the brownies already!
<---gotta go...
<---hopes everyone has a wonderful night and sleeps tight -- especially Boybie:)

<--- tells Pinky the secret to running is to not think about it at all while you do it!
<--- is singing along with Auld Lang Syne or whatever it's called and CRYING after watching It's A Wonderful Life for the first time of the season.
<--- has now spent almost an hour crying today!!! Over Harry Potter and over this movie. Sheesh!!:p
<--- LOL is thinking about watching it over again, right NOW!!!!

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