Slow & Heavy


I'd like to hear about this series, especially the leg and shoulders workout. How do you like it? What kind of results are you getting from it? Is it good for someone with strong legs who wants to maintain tone? And finally, if I already have GSL, L&G, LL, PH, MM, MIS, will this add something -- or would I best choose something else? Thanks!
I don't think anyone who gets S&H gets it for the leg w/o, but for the superlative upper body training which can promote real strength gains and break through plateaus in weight training.

I use the lower body section sometimes but I prefer GS legs and Leaner Legs.

i just got it and its nothing like any of the other workouts! I am loving it and its only been two weeks (used in entirety once per week, along with PUB/PLB)........I noticed the first time I did it, I had to make several adjustments on finding the right weight, so I didn't feel that great of an afterburn...........BUT the second time, was an entirely different story. My triceps were fried!!! It was great and I am hoping it will break my plateau and I can really shape/define my muscles with this one!!!

I have not done the leg work, I don't want to add mass on my legs so I am sticking to floor work while I do this rotation........
I agree the leg w/o isn't that tough (you'd have to load up the barbell but you still have to hoist that heavy weight over your head which could be dangerous) but the upper body workout was great! I really gained strength and have upped all of my weights by 5-10 lbs from what I normally used.

PUB/PLB has been my favorite so far for really gaining strength. All of my body parts are fried whenever I complete this DVD.

However S&H is still a nice change of pace from other videos (and it's training concept is unique). I would definitely add it to your Cathe collection.

I just finished a 2 week rotation with this series, I did
the entire series twice per week, split up over 2 days each
time. I really like these workouts, the leg workout is not
that hard but I still enjoy it. The upper body workouts you will
really feel though, I didn't have much soreness though in the
days following though, maybe it's just the slower pace. But
I can only do this series for a couple weeks at a time, because
there is a lot of concentration involved. Cathe even talks
about this in the introduction. But it is near the top of
my favorites for Cathe's videos, right behind Pyramids, which
I will embark on for the next 2 weeks.

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