Slow & Heavy vs. Gym Styles


Like I need any help with convincing me to buy more Cathe! LOL I have everything that's out with the exception of S&H and BS/BF. How does S & H compare to the Gym Styles? Intensity, goals (strength, toning, endurance, etc), results, time, etc. I really don't like splitting my upper body into more than 1 workout, but I keep reading about all the good results from doing so.

Convince me.

Well, I've been on a GS & S&H rotation, last week was GS and I was sore with each workout I did. This week is S&H and I'm not as sore if at all. I do like them both because they are so very different types of workouts, but GS is my favorite.
Debbie in OH
I waited to buy the S&H because I didn't think that style was for me...I don't like to lift really heavy to avoid adding more bulk. But, I got a used S&H at a bargain so now I have both S&H and the Gym Styles. I did a CTX rotation using the SH's and subbing the GS for the older Pure Strength series. It was a nice rotation. I do prefer the Gym Style workouts because they are tougher and that is what I like. But, I can now see why so many people like the Slow and Heavy series and actually I have my teen son doing the S&H series right now and he really likes them.

So, I would say get both, eventually. :p
I love Slow & Heavy. I really see strength gains when using them in a rotation. I rarely get sore from S&H, but, if I remember correctly, Cathe had once said that it is not unusual because there is so much stretching throughout the workout. You have like a minute of rest in between each set to really stretch your muscles.
Thanks for the input. I guess I should buy S&H now, while I've got the money and before I change my mind!


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