Slow and Heavy


New Member
I am wondering how the slow and heavy videos group the exercises. For instance, does the leg and sholder video alternate leg, sholder, leg, sholder, or does it do all of one and then all of the other?

I am interested in using them, but I don't think I can do an entire hour of legs and shoulders (or biceps and tricepts or chest and back) in one day, at least not at first. I'm wondering what the best way to spread out the workouts would be.

Currently, I generally do Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength 2-3 times a week. Would it make sense to instead work out 3 times a week and do each one of the slow and heavy videos each time? That would give each muscle group a pretty intense workout, but only once a week.

Thanks for the help!
Cathe doesn't alternate between parts in the S&H workouts. She works one part thoroughly and then moves to the next part.
You could definitely do each video once per week in place of MIS - it will be good for you to change your routine and you should see great results!!
Is once a week for each muscle group often enough? Even with the increased intensity, it seems like I should hit each muscle group more often, but I don't have the time to do the whole slow and heavy set twice a week.

While I am posting, could someone compare/contrast Slow and Heavy with the Pure strength series?

>Is once a week for each
>muscle group often enough?
>Even with the increased intensity,
>it seems like I should
>hit each muscle group more
>often, but I don't have
>the time to do the
>whole slow and heavy set
>twice a week.

I think Cathe is recommending using S&H once per week. At least that's how she used them in a rotation on the Ask Cathe forum under "How to get in shape for my wedding?" Lots of good ideas there. That's what I'm going to try even though I normally try to hit upper body muscles at least twice/week.

>While I am posting, could someone
>compare/contrast Slow and Heavy with
>the Pure strength series?
Here's another good post from Cathe that does just that. Look on the Ask Cathe forum for a post "Cathe Video help??" on 6/20/01.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-01 AT 06:55PM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with Debra that once a week is enough. Also, when you are working chest/back your other upper body muscles are working as well. Chest presses and flyes will work your shoulders and triceps as well as your chest. During back work, I am pretty sure that your biceps assist in pulling up the weight.
I will sometimes fit in an additional lower body workout on a day in between the two upper body tapes to make sure the muscles get worked twice in a week.

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