Slow and Heavy vs. Pure Strength....


Which one builds more strength and adds definition? I am trying to compare the two and cannot figure out which one would be better to buy? I am an advanced excerciser and have alot of Cathe dvds, but mainly endurance based ones.....I have never purchased any of her dvds that target building strength.....any suggestions or success stories??
I think S&H helps with strength more than PS. It is difficult to stick to, however, because of the very slow counts, which require a lot of mental focus. That's where PS comes in. PS lets you use the heaviest weights you can manage using a 10-rep set. (In some sets, Cathe goes for 12 and 16 reps.) I used to use both series in a rotation. Right now I'm using the Hardcores and S&H. Pretty intense. I'm hungry all the time.:)

For definition, I go for endurance and circuit workouts. I do things in cycles. Strength train first, define after. I just find it a better way to get results since strength training makes me want to eat more (carbs especially, so I can lift heavy), whereas if I want definition, I really have to cut some carbs and calories.

S&H is the best strength-building workout I've ever done. I'm in a rotation that had three weeks of S&H and by the end of the three weeks, I'd gone up in poundage on every single exercise, including biceps curls with 15# dumbbells.

I like PS a lot too, but S&H rocks - 3 sets of each exercise, 8 reps, 1 minute rest between sets...can't get much more strength-focused than that.

I have had excellent results builing strength with S&H. Personally, I enjoy the slower pace and it is much more "joint friendly", IMO. After a 3 week S&H rotation, I follow it up with a few weeks of endurance (ME, PH, MM) and circuit workouts. I have increased my strength and gotten great definition with this approach.

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