Slow and Heavy Series...RULES!!!!


Hi Cathe,

I wrote you last year sometime in September and I'm here to tell you I'm back once again and loving ever minute of your workouts...Just can't wait until your new DVD's come out. I've been doing your routines now for over a year and I can't ask for anything better thay keep me in shape. Just when I think you're done in a routine you dish out more and go for the burn...I sometimes still do lift heavy weights at the gym but I'm slowly shying away from the heavy weight I put on my joints. Your tapes are giving me the best workout where all my muscle fibers in a particular muscle group are throughly exhausted. Excellent tips you give to your audience when performing the exercises. I commended you last year on doing a wonderful job and this time I go above and beyond in telling you to keep you series going and look further into creating the maximum burn possible for everyone...

Again, Great Job Cathe...Keep up the great work!!!

Randall Riecke
I totally second your opinion! I just got Slow and Heavy and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE that series. I am seeing such amazing results and I feel great! Cathe rules!

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