I have started training with Slow and Heavy as my Summer challenge.
I want to increase my strength. I am finding the pace of these workouts to be excellent, I like the slower pace, and am enjoying challenging myself and have no difficulty focussing on them. I have no idea why I put off trying this series out for so long, what was I afraid of?!?!?!
Can I ask devotees of this series a few quick questions?
1. Did you experience significant soreness with these tapes? More or less than with other routines?
2. What have your results been like? Basically, have you significantly increased mass, or just your strength? Have you had to go buy larger clothing?
3. Did you get those results from working each muscle group once or twice per week with the Slow and Heavies?
4. and finally, did you train for endurance in the same week as the Slow and Heavies, or did you leave that til after the 3 weeks was up? If you did leave it til after the 3 weeks, what then were your results?
While I realize that no 2 bodies are alike and cannot predict mine will respond as yours did/does, I would love feedback on what I might be able to expect! I'm more your tall, lean, ecto type of athletic build type person, so if any of you are too, it would be great to hear of the results you obtained. But I'd love to hear from all body types....
Thank you all so much for the time you may take in letting me pick your brains and I look forward to hearing from you,
I have started training with Slow and Heavy as my Summer challenge.
I want to increase my strength. I am finding the pace of these workouts to be excellent, I like the slower pace, and am enjoying challenging myself and have no difficulty focussing on them. I have no idea why I put off trying this series out for so long, what was I afraid of?!?!?!
Can I ask devotees of this series a few quick questions?
1. Did you experience significant soreness with these tapes? More or less than with other routines?
2. What have your results been like? Basically, have you significantly increased mass, or just your strength? Have you had to go buy larger clothing?
3. Did you get those results from working each muscle group once or twice per week with the Slow and Heavies?
4. and finally, did you train for endurance in the same week as the Slow and Heavies, or did you leave that til after the 3 weeks was up? If you did leave it til after the 3 weeks, what then were your results?
While I realize that no 2 bodies are alike and cannot predict mine will respond as yours did/does, I would love feedback on what I might be able to expect! I'm more your tall, lean, ecto type of athletic build type person, so if any of you are too, it would be great to hear of the results you obtained. But I'd love to hear from all body types....
Thank you all so much for the time you may take in letting me pick your brains and I look forward to hearing from you,