Slow and Heavy or the Pyramids


If I could only afford to get one DVD (for now) which would you suggest - S&H or PUB/PLB? I have the PS series and the PH DVD with BodyMax and MIS. I was leaning towards S&H, but after reading the rave reviews of the Pyramids, I don't know. The idea of constantly changing barbell weights kind of turns me off. I only have one barbell (with starlocks) and can't get a second one yet.

I also want the Boot Camp/ME DVD, but is it loud on the floor (if you know what I mean)? I live in an apt. on the second floor and have to be careful about making too much noise - jumping, stepping, etc.

Thanks for any advice,
HI Melissa! My vote would be for the Pyramids. They are soo versatile. I tacked on JUST the lower body work on the stabilty ball to PS leg the other day. WHAT was I THINKING!?!?!? Oh my gosh, I could hardly walk the next day! Another reason would be that you should only use the S&H Series for about 3 weeks at a time. I LOVE the S&H Series, but if I had a choice of only one now, I'd definitely get The Pyramids now & S&H later. Either is awesome though! :7 Let us know what you decide!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Though I love 'em both, and am having a love fest with PLB/PUB for the moment because it's new, I'd suggest going to Slow and Heavy, because it is quite different from the weight workouts you already have. While you're working on Slow and Heavy, you can be saving up the moolah to get the P's!
Hi Melissa! My vote is for S&H simply because in the PLB tape due to the fact you have the star collars like me you'll have to use dumbbells & keep your barbell at the heaviest weight. Otherwise, you won't feel a thing because of too much down time in changing plates; its quite cumbersome. S&H is great! Kathy
Hi Melissa,
Just to keep you confused, I vote for the Pyramids. If you have fairly heavy dumbbells it is easy to subustitute them for a barbell. For the step ups I use 2 X 12 DB for the first round. Then you could use 2 x 15 for the next round and your barbell for the last round. The upper body pyramid uses all dumbbells (you probably already know that) It just seems to me that the pyramids give you so many premix workout choises that it is hard to beat. -joy
Yes, I am confused. I was leaning towards Slow and Heavy because it's different than anything I have and I don't have to worry about changing the barbell weights so much, but if I get the Pyramids I could use dumbells and the premix choices sound cool. Ugh. I still don't know what to do, but thanks for the input everyone.
Just to add to the confusion:) I would get the pyramids, I think they are more fun and the DVD more versatile. I use dumbells and they work just fine. I love this series so much I am already chomping for another one!! Of course Slow and Heavy is great, but it never clicked with me as much as the Pyramids.
PUB & PLB I love them so much. I use more than one barbell if that helps any for an idea on not having to switch plates so often.

Hi Melissa! Me again! Another the Pyramids, Cathe does give you more time then she has in the past to change weights. I am not familiar with starlocks so I'm not sure what that involves. I am able to keep up with Cathe fine while changing my weights but I have sliplocks. (Could you possibly change your locks???) Just an idea. GOOD LUCK! We've made this decision quite hard on you, haven't we?!?!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
PYRAMIDS!!! I really love how much you can do in the time frame you're working with. Plus the exercise selection is good...particularly the Lower body workout. No low ends no hover squats!!! The floorwork is good!!! Take it from someone who always finds an excuse not to do floorwork...I actually like PLB's. Plus the bonus pre-mixes. I can do a 20 minute run and do PUB...or 6-10 IM2 after PUB. It's really a very good series.
You guys are making this hard on me!! But I do appreciate your opinions. The Pyramids sound neat, but the Slow and Heavy is very different from what I already have. I'm so indecisive...I want the Boot Camp/ME DVD too!

What I really hope is that Cathe follows a suggestion Jillybean made awhile ago: a Slow and Heavy 2 series which would be a Slow and Heavy workout with a CTX format, so each day you get a little cardio (hopefully some kickboxing) and then the muscle building benefits of working one body part a day. And in a DVD format there would be more options. I'm crossing my fingers...

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