Slip lock vs. spring clips (Bollinger)

Okay, I'm taking the plunge and purchasing a barbell. My question is, I've been over and over the barbell posts and I'm confused about the clips. There is one called a slip lock, that looks like a big fat black ring. There is another one called a spring clip, that looks kinda like tongs, with silver squeezy handle looking things. Which is more efficient? Has anybody tried both? Thanks! - Kath
Both do the same job, that is, hold the weight plates on the barbell securely.

However, those tong things are a pain when you need to change the plates. I have the slip lock (it actually came with my Firm barbell) and it makes changing the plates easier. It just kind of slides off. The tong types take some wrestling with them.

I would recommend the slip lock if you need to change your plates often during your workout to accommodate different muscle groups.

I agree (Bollinger)

Slip locks. Slip Locks.. Slip Locks. I just got mine from ebay for $3.00 and love them. I was using the spring clips before and they could really slow me down at times. You won't be sorry you got the slip locks.
Dawn W

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