Slimming out lower body


Active Member
I have heard a ton of different opinions on slimming down my lower body. Is there anyone that has a sure fire rotation? I was told to increase my cardio and to decrease my weights for lower body...then I heard that I should do heavy weights! Yikes Im confused. I don't go to the basic schedule is Running/Spinning in my house a few times a week and then I do Cathe's tapes. I tend to do tapes like Butts and Gutts and Legs and Glutes each week....I'm not overweight, just need to slim out my hip area. Any suggestions...also I have pulled a few of Cathe's lower body rotations off the site and they seem like a ton of weight training...not sure what to I hate Step...Im not coordinated enough....thanks for any help you can offer
Hi! Here is a workout schedule I know works for slimming out the lower body. It is a tough rotation and by the end of the week, your legs should feel it! Don't worry, if you are sore, you know it's working. If you do have any personal questions, don't hesitate to email me! **hopefully you have these other DVDs. If not, leg me know.

Day one: treadmill 35-45 minutes (walk/run intervals)
weights: butts & gutts: leg blast premix + ankle weights

Day two: treadmill 60 minutes incline walk 15% at 3.2 mph
weights: Muscle Endurance (complete workout)

Day three: spinning 35-45 minutes
weights: legs & glutes: legs & glutes extreme (standing)
+ ankle weights

Day four: treamill 60 minutes incline walk 15% at 3.2 mph
weights: Pyramid Upper Body + abs

Day five: treadmill 35-45 minutes (walk/run intervals)
weights: standing portion 2x through + stability ball

Day six: spinning 35-45 minutes
weights: Muscle Endurance (complete workout)

Yes, this is alot of work...BUT it will shock your body, especially the lower half. Hope this helps :)
Do these w/o's need to be done back to back or can you do the cardio in the morning and weights at night or vice versa? Also, on day 3 could you use other cardio such as elliptical, step, etc?

Here is a rotation I have done and lost inches in my hips and slimmed down my lower body. I was really happy with the results. I only have about an hour a day, and this was perfect for me. I started with Cathe's rotation, and just put in an extra day of kickbox while taking out a step workout (too much step makes my hips to hippy:) )

Mon…Body Max 2 (bootcamp premix)
Tues…Cardio Kicks
Wed… Butts and Guts Premix #1 (49 min)
Thurs…. HIIT on treadmill
Sat…. Gym Style Legs
Sun… Cardio and Weights

Mon….. 4DS kickbox only plus Core Max segment one
Tues….Butts and Guts Premix #2 (65 min)
Wed….Imax 3
Thurs…Muscle Max
Fri….. KPC (no abs)
Sat…. Leaner Legs and KPC abs
Sun…. off

Mon….Pyramid Upper Body- do abs first
Tues…. Interval Max or HIIT on treadmill
Wed….Butts and Guts Premix #3 (47 min) plus B&G stability ball abs
Thurs…. 4DS kickbox/bootcamp cardio only
Fri…. Gauntlet from Terminator DVD
Sun….Pyramid Lower Body/4DS KB abs (plus 30 minute steady state run)

Mon…. LIC upper body only Plus CTX Kickbox (cardio portion only)
Tues…..Butts and Guts Premix #4
Wed…..Rhythmic Step (or HIIT on treadmill) and B&G stretch
Thurs….Legs and Glutes Plus Ab hits premix #6
Fri…..Drill Max Premix #5 (60min)
Sat….Kick Max

I didn't go really heavy with my leg weights, just moderate. Mostly because in this rotation you are working your legs almost everyday.

Thanks so much ladies! I guess Im just still a little concerned about working out everyday. How do you all feel about the idea of a 48 hour rest in between working body parts; what about the idea of overtraining? It is so helpful to hear what you all think! Thanks to those of you who posted rotations.

Im curious to hear what FitnessFreak thinks...she posts a ton of rotations.....
If you want to workout less days, that's fine. Although I don't know what to tell you to cut from the rotation I posted. I wanted to become less "hippy" and that rotation worked for me as is.

Another thought, maybe you want to really mix it up and do full body workouts 2X a week and running/spinning 2X. Since you are already doing B&G and L&G once a week maybe switching it up may help. Sometimes less is more. For me, anything over an hour is counterproductive, as is to much cardio, but everyone is different.

Just a thought....

PS--> FitnessFreak is really good about answering posts that are in the rotations forum. You may want to post this question there for her to see.
On day 5 you forgot to tell me which DVD the weights are looks great by the way! Im going to do it asap!

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