Slim Series


I promise this will be the last time I ask this question......:)

Is the Slim Series a nice compliment to have with Cathe tapes? Are these tapes challenging or too easy? I am looking for a little change of pace or maybe to add on after a Cathe workout when I have extra time during the summer.

Thank you for all your help.

I personally love them and think they're a great compliment to Cathe. But, a lot of people have found them boring and repetitive. I usually use them on days when I don't want to pull out a lot of equipment (ie: lazy) or on days when I don't want to think about what I'm doing. With the SS I just put myself on autopilot and go.

I've noticed great results in my lower body after doing a Slim rotation, my butt and thighs slim down nicely, but I must admit my upper body does suffer from doing just light weight/hi reps for long periods of time. My arm definition doesn't really change, but I lose a lot of strength and I find myself having to ease back into Cathe again.

The music is not that great but there's a music off feature. Also, some of the background exercisers (like Kevin, ugh!) have terrible form and can be very annoying to watch.

I don't find these workouts easy because I always increase the weights if I stop feeling challenged. Incidentally, I don't follow any of the rotations suggested in the book. I prefer to do the workouts about 3-4 days a week and do a Cathe cardio in between. That's how I see results.

Hope this helps!
I bought the slim 6 series, and found it to basic, I think that is a program for beginers to intermediate exercircers. It you have done P90X you are advance and that program will do nothing for you. I sold my at E-bay.
>I bought the slim 6 series, and found it to basic, I think
>that is a program for beginers to intermediate exercircers. It
>you have done P90X you are advance and that program will do
>nothing for you. I sold my at E-bay.

Slim in 6 and Slim Series are two different things.
Slim in 6 is more basic.
Slim Series is more advanced.

If you want a taste of Slim Series without buying the whole thing, you can get a workout called "Keep it up," which is a follow-up to Slim in 6, and a prececessor to Slim Series. It will give you an idea of what the workouts are like (though the SS workouts are longer).

I really like Firm it up (the lower-body-only workout) and Cool it Off (a stretch/recovery workout that includes some knee stabilization moves and some spinal extensor moves).

I'm sure if you do a search in the "Open Discussion" forum for "Slim Series," you will find some other recent threads on it.

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