slim series results????


Hey everyone, I am not even sure if anyone will remember me! I haven't posted in FOREVER!!! I just finished p90x (which is great for upperbody results!). I was searching for results using Slim Series and it seemed most people were very pleased with their results. I was wondering if those who have completed it found that they lost lbs. also? I really liked my results from p90x but the scale, I know I'm not supposed to look/care but I can't help it, went no where! I will be starting slim series on sunday and it should take me through the holidays and am a little concerned about the scale with all the extra holiday eating . So was the slim series good for weight loss also?
Hi Allison!

I thought the Slim Series worked well for me for some weight loss - but that could be because it was the first time I did a program where the actual day-by-day schedule was set out for me, so I probably did it more consistantly then I usually am when I create my own rotations.

I really liked SS at first, but then it kind of got too repititious and a little boring to me. Each tape is kind of similiar, which to me is fine for a while. On the other hand though, I do still bring them out when I feel like a low-weight day. I actually did P90X after I did SS (opposite of you), and was happy because P90X offered a lot more variety.

But I do think if you stuck with SS for four weeks and remained consistent you could lose some lbs!

Not sure if any of this helps, but Good luck!!!
Allison - I did a four week rotation of the slim series. I enjoyed it but honestly was a little bored because each workout is pretty similar, IMO. I did take before and after pictures and although I did not lose lbs., I'm pretty sure I lost inches especially in my abs. I wish I could share the pics, but they are not so pretty. :eek: :)
I appreciate your input! it seems most people are pleased with the results from the slim series! I will be starting on Sunday! Anyone interested in trying again, or the first time and checking in here for a little accountability?
I had good results with this series using the videos back to back (slim training I believe is what the rotation was called), though it got pretty boring after a few weeks. I definitely think the series would be good if you are looking to lose weight and tone up a bit, though I don't think it is going to give you the "cut" look or a six pack like Cathe's workouts can. I don't weigh myself often so I don't know if I lost weight, but I definitely got smaller and my clothes fit looser. You may want to add some cardio into the rotation for weight loss since there is not very much cardio in the series.

Hope this helps!

- Diane
Hi Allison,
I really want to use slim series, but I also want to lose weight. I thought of doing a combination to give me more cardio. SS does get my heart rate up and when I did tone it up the monitor read over 600 calories. There's so many squats, lunges and compound moves that my heart rate did stay elevated. Then you move to the floor and the heart rate goes down. I think I read that people did lose inches, but I don't want to be 180lbs (current weight) and a size 10. Medically speaking, I would still be considered overweight. I have the whole series. What do you think of this approach of mixing in cardio?
I have a hard time adding extra cardio to routines that already contain them. I think one of the videos is 70min long and I don't have the time or the mental stamina to add more work;-) I am very good about sticking to a program, like the rotation for slim series but if you are looking to drop lbs. I would say if you have the time for extra cardio it is an excellent way to accomplish that goal.
If you burned 600 calories doing Tone It Up then you should lose weight if you do this series and combine it with a proper diet. I have these workouts but have never been able to stick to a rotation due to the boredom factor. I usually save these for when I go on vacation, because they are great to bring along due to the fact that little equipment is involved. I would also break up the monontony, and speed the weight loss, by doing a Cathe cardio in between days.
I think you would definitely be able to lose w/ Slim Series as long as you eat clean. The only thing I didn't like about it was that I lost upper body strength. For lower body, it is a great workout.

Just so you know, two of the DVD's are 80 minutes. The rest are one hour.
I did the rotation for about 3 weeks. Lower body results were good, but I needed more upper body (I HAD to throw in a Cathe upper body workout after about a week and a half). Also, I think the type of workout can be overkill on the joints, especially the elbows, and especially with the pulsing, "double time" moves Debbie does (I stopped doing them, after I started having symptoms of elbow tendinitis).

The workouts are very, very similar, and can get boring very quickly if you do them almost every day. I think a good rotation would be something like this:
day 1: slim series "Firm it up" (lower body)
day 2: cardio
day 3: slim series (any of the full-body workouts)
day 4: "Firm it up" (to get the "Freestyle" training effect) or cardio
day 5: heavy upper body
day 6: cool it off (a nice stretch workout with some knee stabilization and spinal erector work).
day 7: any Slim series

It's a good idea to have some music you like with anywhere from 130-138 bpm, that you can play while doing the workouts. I find that motivates me more and makes the workouts seem a bit different every time I do them. (The exact bpm of the music doesn't matter, since Debbie is sometimes off the beat of the music anyway, and it's easy to follow YOUR music and just do what they are doing for as long as they are doing it, even if you are out of synch with them).
Kathryn read my mind with her suggestion. Except the upper body part, I didn't think of that. I thought about doing the other cardio just so I wouldn't get bored. Not in addition to a ss workout, but instead of.

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