slim series question


i have a question regarding the frequency of these workouts. Beachbody recommends doing one workout each day of the week. Is it ok to do that or is that going to overtrain my muscles? It is very light weight so i don't know if it would be overtraining. I guess its like the free style method since you would be working the muscles everyday???? Should i do the rotation like that or should i do everyother day with cardio in between? I just did shape it up today. I feel like my legs are going to fall off! Its crazy to get this feeling since there is no weights used in this workout.
Slim Series is actually based on overtraining your muscles so they wear down slightly and don't grow. (No bulking possible!)

Note though that you shouldn't do SS 6 days/wk for longer than 4 weeks as the risk of injury increases (especially for shoulders!). I don't recall Debbie Sieber's exact rotation, but consider doing Firm It Up as the 3rd day and Cool it off as the 6th day. That gives you some break in the weighted UB work and there are no lunges in FIU, so that changes things up for your knees too.

Watch for joint tenderness from all the fast reps, especially in shoulders & elbows.

FIU is a GREAT travel workout for your LB--not much room required and all bodyweight. The floorwork is a butt stapler! :p HTH!
Slim Series is actually based on overtraining your muscles so they wear down slightly and don't grow. (No bulking possible!)

Note though that you shouldn't do SS 6 days/wk for longer than 4 weeks as the risk of injury increases (especially for shoulders!). I don't recall Debbie Sieber's exact rotation, but consider doing Firm It Up as the 3rd day and Cool it off as the 6th day. That gives you some break in the weighted UB work and there are no lunges in FIU, so that changes things up for your knees too.

Watch for joint tenderness from all the fast reps, especially in shoulders & elbows.

FIU is a GREAT travel workout for your LB--not much room required and all bodyweight. The floorwork is a butt stapler! :p HTH!

Ditto what Jonahah said.

I don't think you will get the quick results doing them every other day (at least I wouldn't). If Slim Series is to hard for you then Slim in 6 is the program to start with. Slim Series is one of my favorite workout series. I always slim down everywhere when I do it. It really works! Beachbody has a Slim Training newsletter that explains it in detail, but I can't find it. Maybe someone else has it or can find it.
If you do these workouts every day (or most days of the week), I suggest scheduling them to avoid doing upper body two days in a row. When I did SS pretty much as-is, I did notice upper body joint problems (which I attribute to both frequency of workouts and those too-fast reps).

SS is kind of a Freestyle approach to training, but Freestyle focuses on working the lower body most days of the week, NOT the upper body.

You could do something like this:
SS (any workout but Firm it Up)
Firm it up (lower-body only)
SS (any other)
day off
SS (any but FIU)

SS (any but FIU)
thanks ladies for the tips. i'm excited to start this rotation. I have never done any type of rotation like it. i was wondering if you ladies added cardio? i know that my HR goes up during the workouts but is it enough?
thanks ladies for the tips. i'm excited to start this rotation. I have never done any type of rotation like it. i was wondering if you ladies added cardio? i know that my HR goes up during the workouts but is it enough?

I think if you are currently doing some form of consistent cardio like running or cycling, you can continue with that and maybe cut back a bit. I don't think you need to add it in though. The workouts already give you a nice cardio affect as you mentioned. I sometimes do yoga on my rest day or cool-it-off day, although cool-it-off has some great stuff in it, like lower-back exercises and knee stabilization moves.

Have fun with it!
i have a few more questions: 1) could't you use any of cathes full body workouts everyday of the week and just really light weights? This would be the same concept as slim series just with a different instructor. I'm having a hard time getting more than 3 days in a row doing the slim series dvds due to boredom.

2) after you all did your 4 week rotation and got good results, what did you do next? did you take a week off and start again (can't imagine doing this b/c its so boring) or did you go to a different endurance type of rotation?
Good luck sticking with it! I have never, ever been so bored doing a workout as I had with the Slim Series/Slim in 6. I can tell that they are effective to a point, but not when you dread doing them. I'm putting them in my "wild card" rotation which is when they are shuffled in with my other non-favorite workout stack of about 20 dvds. I do one of the wild cards per week, so I come across them infrequently and I groan whenever one of these pop up.

I could have written your post. This series was one of the WORST I have ever done. If I would have gotten results, I would have tried to stick with it, but no!
I did the SS rotation once and that was it. I just could never face them again and traded the whole lot for whatever. I do Cathe rotations and now STS with no feelings of dread like I had with SS. Many people swear by them tho and claim really good results. I was reading on another forum that they are refilming SinS.

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