Slim Series effective?


I have heard that the SLim series is rather boring, but for those of you who have done it have you found Cathe workouts to be more effective in the "slimming" area or something like SLim Series?THank you :)
I loved them! I did the Slim Training rotation that came with them, which is supposed to be the most difficult one, and lost 5 inches in four weeks, mostly off my waist and hips. I can't do them more than four weeks in a row though because they are sort of repetitive, but they're what I pull out when I feel I'm in a rut. I love the lower weights/higher reps workouts because I don't get injured using them, and my heart rate climbs because it has a cardio effect for me as well. A lot of people on VF don't get the cardio effect and/or feel these workouts are boring, but I love them! It seems these are one of those types of workouts that people either love or hate. But isn't it great we all have SO much from which to choose??

Slim Series & Cathe are entirely different type of workouts. It is like comparing apples to oranges. In Cathe you can go as heavy as you want because she goes slow enough that you can do that. In SS she goes to fast to lift much above 10pds.

I love the Slim Series! I got very good results from these workouts. I followed the rotation mentioned above as well, I did it for 4 weeks, took a week off and did it again... kind of burned myself out on them, but I still go back to them as well. Debbie Seibers has got a fun personality too (much like Cathe in that way). I will be doing Firm it Up this afternoon in fact.

Hope that helps,

I also saw fantastic results with the Slim Training rotation (mostly in my lower body and abs). The problem is that all the workouts in the series are so similar that I became bored with them and just could not do the rotation again. I actually ended up selling them.
I had really good results with SS training. I think you either love or hate the workouts. I wouldn't compare SS to Cathe because they are so different. I think the two syles compliment each other well. I followed a rotation for 4 weeks, and saw great results. You do exercises for the legs every day, but it's no- to low- weight and very high rep. I get DOMS from them like I do when I use the leg press at the gym with very heavy weights. If you are looking into leaning out your legs, these are great workouts.
Totally the opposite of Cathe, but good for a change of pace. I still have my SS, although I don't reach for it often. I did see results - a "leaning" out of my body, which is great, and these are good to travel with. One set of dumbbells and you are good to go.

The downside is the poor form on some of the exercisers, the horrendous music and the fact that Debbie has no musicality, so most of the moves are totally "off" the music.

They are still on my shelf, so I figure there must be a reason why I haven't gotten rid of them;) !
>The downside is the poor form on some of the exercisers, the
>horrendous music and the fact that Debbie has no musicality,
>so most of the moves are totally "off" the music.
Conni, I have to agree with the form of a few background exercisers. It's difficult not to watch them - sort of like watching a train wreck!! LOL!! I do like the music though. Don't know why - no one else seems to!!

The music is not totally horrible, but they don't exercise to the beat so that throws me off. I usually just play my own music in the background. I like the portability of the workouts, too. I don't use them as often anymore, but I throw them in with my Cathe workouts every so often. It gives me a nice variety.
>I loved them! I did the Slim Training rotation that came with
>them, which is supposed to be the most difficult one, and lost
>5 inches in four weeks, mostly off my waist and hips. I can't
>do them more than four weeks in a row though because they are
>sort of repetitive, but they're what I pull out when I feel
>I'm in a rut. I love the lower weights/higher reps workouts
>because I don't get injured using them, and my heart rate
>climbs because it has a cardio effect for me as well. A lot of
>people on VF don't get the cardio effect and/or feel these
>workouts are boring, but I love them! It seems these are one
>of those types of workouts that people either love or hate.
>But isn't it great we all have SO much from which to choose??


Can you describe the rotations that came with the workouts? I purchased the set of dvd's off the firm yaya's board, but didn't get a rotation calendar with them.
Off track but beautiful pictures . Do you live in Montanna?
It looks gorgeous.
Snow probably blows away what we get in Pa,
I do have deer racoon and deer quite oftern in my back yard.
My fear is snakes.
Looks like you had a wonderful time.
Edie, I'm sorry but I no longer have the material that came with the DVDs. Since the Slim Training was the only rotation of theirs that interested me, it's the only one I did. Otherwise I just make up my own, which is usually what I end up doing with everything!!

The Slim Training rotation is:

Shape It Up
Firm It Up
MIx It Up
Tone It Up
Cool It Off
Tear It Up
rest day or another stretch workout of your choosing

As you can see, it's pretty intense, and they do say in the material not to do it more than four weeks in row. The others if I remember correctly were up to six weeks in a row.

Hopefully someone else on here has the rotations and can post them for you, but in the meantime I hope this helps!

>The downside is the poor form on some of the exercisers, the
>horrendous music and the fact that Debbie has no musicality,
>so most of the moves are totally "off" the music.

True. These are not for people who don't know good form (the deadlifts are particularly bad...and an injury waiting to happen if you follow the 1-count ones or Ashley---background exerciser who will soon need chiropractic or orthopedic fixin'!)

I don't find the music "horrendous," just rather bland. What's nice is the "music off" option. I find any music between 130 and 138 beats works. I just follow the beat of my own music (I prefer the "Powerstrike" DVD from ) for the amount of time they do a move rather than following them.
Thanks, Carol!!

Anne-yes, I live in Montana and hike in the beautiful Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. There is always so much to see and still many places I haven't been to, yet. I would love to see PA, also. I haven't been to the east coast at all!

Just in case you want them, here are two other rotations that came with the Slim Series guide.

The Lower Body Program:

Mon: Shape It Up
Tue: Firm It Up
Wed: Cool It Off
Thu: Firm It Up
Fri: Cool It Off
Sat: Firm It Up
Sun: Rest with stretching

The Split Routine:

Mon: Tone It Up
Tue: Firm It Up
Wed: Cool It Off
Thu: Tone It Up
Fri: Firm It Up
Sat: Cool It Off
Sun: Rest with stretching

In the book it lists the Slim Training Program that was posted above as "difficult" while these two rotations are listed as "moderate to difficult" if that helps you at all.

I haven't used any of the workouts yet so I don't have any kind of feedback on which rotation I like best. Sorry! If you have any more questions let me know as I have the book. :)

"For those who got results, did you follow a meal plan that came w/the set? "

I didn't follow the meal plan. FWIW I did count calories.

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