Slim Series and Fast 10


Are these workouts (Slim Series and Fast 10) nice compliments to Cathe's workouts? I have just received P90x...looks intense. I am curious about the other workouts.

Any info is appreciated!

I haven't done them since I started doing Cathe DVD's so I'm not sure how I'd like them now....but I used to find them challenging and enjoy them. Slim Series is a good set and Fast 10 is different and doesn't have as much variety as Slim Series. Now you've got me curious. I'll have to try them on my next recovery week and see how hard I think they are after having doing Cathe exclusively since February. I think those and the Kathy Smith Project You are the best of (aside from Power Half Hour - that's a good one also).
Thanks for the info. Let me know what you think after doing them next week. I am just going back and forth with ordering these workouts!

Slim Series is a very good toning workout and much different than P90X. I've done P90X also and didn't care for it like a lot of these ladies. It is basically for building muscle and strength whereas Slim Series is more for toning. It is somewhat boring though and the music is terrible but it's effective!

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