slight pain in deltoid from kelly coffey-meyer bootcamp


Hi...I was wondering if anyone has this problem. I've been an advanced exerciser for 10 years. I bought the new Kelly Coffey Meyer 30-minute bootcamp. I tried it before Christmas, then I woke up with some pain on my right deltoid till now. I thought maybe it's from carrying my son around and did not think much...until I did this exercise again 3 days ago. Now my left deltoid is hurting if I raise my arm in a lateral motion.

Does anybody have this problem? Thanks.
I've done this workout (the full hour) about 4 times now and I haven't had any problems. I'm sorry you are hurting. Hope your delts feel better.
Can you narrow it down to what specific exercise or exercises is/are causing the problem? You may need to modify them, or replace with other exercises.

I haven't done this workout yet, and I previewed it a while ago, so I don't recall what specific moves there are, or what problems there may be with them.
It can be your bicep tendon slipping from its groove(where the ant.shoulder hooks to the body),it causes a referred can also be your shoulder/rotator...can you sleep on your right side? BACK OFF - take it from me, once this starts, it becomes a monkey on your back forever (if you're a regular workout person-with no breaks me for 30 some years)....keep your shoulder blades back and down like you have a pencil beteen them, back off all pushups, overhead presses, bench presses...keep all movement with the shoulders near the, ice and ice...if its medically ok for you, motrin and aleve alternating (with tons of water and some food) for a few days....
Let us know how ya may not be the workout, nor poor could just be at the point when the joint is overworn....

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