Miss Lee
<---has not been very productive today but did get some errands out of the way
<---ordered the new Leslie Sansone 5 mile walk workout today and really hopes <---like it
<---has done cardio about 3 times this week which is really great for <--- but still needs to commit more time to it
<---thanks Pinky for the suggestion and wonders if 25# is heavy enough
<---hopes DH is interested in going out for dinner because <---is not interested in cooking
<---ordered the new Leslie Sansone 5 mile walk workout today and really hopes <---like it
<---has done cardio about 3 times this week which is really great for <--- but still needs to commit more time to it
<---thanks Pinky for the suggestion and wonders if 25# is heavy enough
<---hopes DH is interested in going out for dinner because <---is not interested in cooking