OMG! That reminds me of a very funny story!:7
My roomie and I, years ago, were on a "diet" and craving sugary treats, our downfall.
So we went to the grocers and saw the bin labeled "sugar free gummy bears". We bought at least 3 pounds of these deceitful little beasts, thinking smugly of course that we had at last found a "cheat food". Well, we ate the whole bunch of bears while watching movies that night, went to bed and then all of a sudden had horrible stomach pains. We then took turns in the bathroom paying homage to the "throne!" Boy, talk about having the runs! It actually was hilarious later on, we did not realize that all of the sorbitol/mannitol they use in sugar free products caused extreme laxative effects if eaten in copious amounts!:7 :7
To this day I am even careful when I chew sugarfree gum!
Oh, and yep, if it wasn't hotter than h-e-double toothpicks here, I would gladly ship you the peanut butter Skinny Cows, strangely enough though, the vanilla ones just taste better! And I love PB! Oh, and the Skinnny Cows I get do have sugar in them, I just read the ingredients, like I stated before they contain 140 cal, 4 grams of fiber and 1.5 grams of fat. They better not be lying to us about this people!! I remember those evil little sundaes they used to sell!}(