Sissel Swiss Exercise Balls


Hi, Cathe-

Have you heard of this brand of stability ball? I've been searching online for burst-resistant stability balls in anticipation of the new videos. These sound very good, but they're a bit more expensive than others I've found. Sometimes that means it's a superior product, sometimes it just means it costs more ;)!

I'm just wondering if you've heard of them and, if so, would recommend them.


Marie :)
Thanks, Cathe! There are so many products and so much info out there, it's nice to get recommendations from someone you trust :)!

Marie, my hubby & I both have the Power System balls and are very happy with them. They are very thick and burst-resistant. They are very colorful too![/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks, Debbie! I just ordered one, in addition to the Troy Lite barbell--I think I need to lock up my credit cards for a while :eek: !
Hi Cathe...I am sure this has been asked before...since you said you use the Power Systems stability balls...what size/color do you use? My 3 year old daughter loves your "pink" ball and wants me to get one to use!! I appreciate your time in answering. Thanks, Kristin

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