My ENT said I should have it. I went to him because I'd gotten sick for a few days back in March with what I thought was allergies. Then, just at the end of June, I got sick again, but this time, coughing mostly. I'm STILL coughing some but it subsides a little each day (it's a prductive cough). When I got sick this last time, I also had a BAD sore throat for a couple days days and drainage. BUT, I've never had facial pain, tooth pain, etc. I get what I think are simus headaches but they are usually kind of dull and just bothersome. They usually clear up with a dose or 2 of Tylenol Sinus medication. Every once in awhile, I'll get one that I have to sleep to get rid of. He suggested today that the bad ones aren't sinus related but a maybe a migraine variant??? Anyway, I also had left ear problems off an on the past 2 years...mostly things just sounding funny. I had a CAT scan (while on steroids and antiobiotics) and he said today I had a deviated septum and a big hunk of stuff in the right sinus cavity in the cheek area. He didn't say I had an infection or anything or nasal polyps. He said this "gunk" would continue to get bigger until it completely blocked the drainage opening (I think that's right). The other sinus cavities looked ok I think, though he said he could open an air pocket in one of the lieft sided ones to see if that helped with the bad headaches. My ? is this: is surgery too severe of an option at this point? I don't like the risks and don't like the sound of the packing, although he didn't mention that. I'm going to try and get a second opinion but I read some posts here and found that this has been dealt with before. On the other hand, if it's really not that bad and can be easily tolerated and will probably take care of the problems I AM having, is it worth it?