I am so tired of how I'm treated at my job. My boss' boss (I call her the Worthless Wonder) is the most self-centered person I have ever met in my life! She neglects to plan accordingly, so everything is always a rush and it needed to be done 5 hours ago. Even things she knows about for weeks in advance, she will wait until the last minute to give me a task and then demand me to drop all my other job duties (I currently hold 3 job titles) to have her piece done ASAP...and it is always due ASAP, marked urgent of course. I've asked (nicely) in the past if we can organize things better because my best work does not come when I'm rushed (which is true) and she blew me off! She basically told me whatever she wants she will get and we are on her time not mine. I also got a $10K paycut and had to take a second job to get my bills paid. Well, I had a shift for my PT job scheduled for after my 9-5 and lo and behold, there was a project due ASAP that day; I told my immediate boss my concerns and being that this was given to me 2 hrs before my shift, it was unfair and unrealistic to expect me to blow off my 2nd job. Her boss, Worthless Wonder, flat out said "I don't really care what she has to do or if she gets fired from that job; this job is her concern. Her PT job has nothing to do with me so WTF do I care?" (Oh did I mention she is EXTREMELY unprofessional?!).
Then with the snow storm today, she threw a fit that I would not be driving an hour to the office. Are you kidding me?! She told my boss "I'm not the one driving so what do I care?" My boss said "Well, Melissa is concerned about her safety" and the worthless wonder responded "Work comes first." Really?!?!
I have really had it with this job. I know the economy is bad and I'm lucky to have a job in the 1st place but when is enough really enough?! I find myself DREADING going in to work everyday because I'm constantly thinking "Hmm what will go wrong today?" This job causes so much undue stress that I feel like I'm going to reach my breaking point soon. I feel so hopeless!!!
Then with the snow storm today, she threw a fit that I would not be driving an hour to the office. Are you kidding me?! She told my boss "I'm not the one driving so what do I care?" My boss said "Well, Melissa is concerned about her safety" and the worthless wonder responded "Work comes first." Really?!?!
I have really had it with this job. I know the economy is bad and I'm lucky to have a job in the 1st place but when is enough really enough?! I find myself DREADING going in to work everyday because I'm constantly thinking "Hmm what will go wrong today?" This job causes so much undue stress that I feel like I'm going to reach my breaking point soon. I feel so hopeless!!!