Sin City


I saw this movie over the w/e & I just have to come right out & say I was disgusted at how women were portrayed. Maybe I missed something but every single woman was half naked at best & they were all abused in some way or another.

Clearly the movie was intended for a younger audience, but if this is what Hollywood is teaching youth about gender relations then I think we're all in very big trouble.
Why am I not surprised? It's awful sometimes to watch tv or a movie and not be able to see a woman that is fully dressed. At times this really gets my goat!
That's the whole premise of the movie--it's about SIN city. The movie is being advertised as very hard core & NOT for a younger audience, thus the R rating. I have't seen it but I would think you would have to watch it with a grain of salt (okay, maybe a ton of salt).
Well, I thought it was gonna be some kind of action/adventure/suspense. Which it was not. There wasn't even a plot. It was basically OK, this bad guy is gonna beat the crap out of this beautiful, scantily clad woman, & this good guy is gonna come in & save her.

It is definitely NOT for a mature audience. IMO it's for teenage & college age boys.
From what I have gleaned through reviews, it's a hardcore look at the underbelly of society and it's intentionally gritty, even graphic, and stylized. Not for the faint of heart and certainly not for anyone with delicate sesibilities. Reviewers either love it or hate it. I am intrigued by the look of it and having read that the women portrayed are living lives where victimization is the norm, I doubt I'd be surprised to find the portrayals as over-the-top. I have never read any of Frank Miller's novels but he worked with Richard Rodriquez to adapt the books to film and they aren't supposed to be pretty.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
DH and I were going to see it this weekend but the weather was too nice to be indoors.

I was under the impression the core of the movie was the cinematography and not necessarily the plot. It appeared to be a movie about the darker side of urban life and nothing to be taken literally but a movie to experienced for it's artistry.

I enjoy provocative movies so now I'm even more intrigued.
My DH and I are going to the movies tonight. We were debating on seeing this movie or going to see Sahara. Maybe we'll see Sahara. Has anyone seen it?
It appears that Sin City is getting better reviews than Sahara is. Sahara looks like it's not any good, but the reviews for Sin City are mixed, with the majority being good.


Hope this helps.
The cinematography was definitely interesting. I wasn't as much disturbed by the graphicness of the movie as I was by the gender roles. Sure women are degraded in urban settings but there are also women who are very strong & who rise above it. 100% of the women in this movie were physically abused & practically naked. Not so about the men. The men were actually a fairly diverse group & fully clothed pretty much the whole time.

I don't know, the whole thing just disgusted me. It was an exaggeration but still a perpetuation of the gender portrayals the entertainment industry has been forcing down our throats since the 1940s. In fact, made even worse by the exaggeration. I wouldn't recommend wasting the $10. Go see Miss Congeniality 2. Or Sahara for the eye candy. ;-)

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