side stitch


During my workout this morning, I got a terrible side-ache. Usually i can walk it off (I was jogging), but today I had to practically stop moving for a few minutes before it went away. It was early morning and I only had a handful of cheerios prior to exercising. Is there any easy way to get rid of these? It doesn't happen very often, but it is frustrating when you want to continue but can't. Any pointers for next time?
Those annoying stitches

Hi there

What I have found works for me when I get a stitch is to inhale normally and exhale very forcefully for a few breaths. I think it also helps to make sure you have not eaten just before you go running or workout.

I have heard they are caused by trapped air in your diaphragm and thus the breathing thing, however, I could easily be mistaken or misinformed on this.

I seldom get stitches these days but when I do, the above breathing thing seems to help.


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