SI joint / hamstring injury


New Member
Hi Cathe, I hope you are well. I am sure you are quite busy with the new workouts that will soon be coming out. So if you are not able to answer this right away, it's alright. BTW I have been working out with your tapes/dvds since 1998, so we go way back. LOL. Power Max was the first tape I tried and I had never had so much fun exercising. I was hooked. But my reason for writing is,..I injured my sacro-iliac joint on my right side about 3 years ago during a yoga session (happens occasionally to hyper flexible yogis especially women or so I am told) Well I re-injured it pretty bad back in June and it was difficult to sit for long periods of time, kicking was out of the question (so no kick boxing) and even walking up hills was excruciating I live in Seattle and it is a pretty hilly city. I felt most of the pain under my sit-bone. I went to my primary doc. and a went through a few months of PT it still hurts from time to time. I am able to do step but at very low impact and with lots of modifications, and also some strength training. I stay away from much of the leg and glute work, because I find dead lifts, plie squats, and sometimes lunges quite painful... and not the good kind of pain. Is there any thing I can do to strengthen that area? I usually do the exercises my PT suggested for me after I workout. I am wondering if there is anything else I can do? I would eventually like to get to the level I was at before. Well I guess that is it. Have a great rest of the week! Val Pickett
I'm so sorry to hear of your injury Val. It sounds like you have dealt with this pain (some days more painful than others) for quite some time now. I can relate to your frustration of not quite knowing the right formula to nail this issue once and for all as well as longing for everything to go back to the way you once knew it to be.

I wish I could give you exercises to help you with your injury but I really feel that you need to stick with all of the exercises your PT gave you. I can however suggest that you ask your PT for more advanced strength based exercises (that are safe and work within the scope of your injury) if you feel your current PT exercises are not quite doing the trick for you beyond maintenance.

Once an area is injured (especially prolonged over a three year period and still ongoing) it is beyond the scope of what I can suggest to you. You really need to stick with the advice of your specialists so that you work together and monitor your progress and gains.

Good Luck with everything Val! I wish you an eventual full recovery over time! Stay positive!!!! :)

Hi Cathe, I hope you are well. I am sure you are quite busy with the new workouts that will soon be coming out. So if you are not able to answer this right away, it's alright. BTW I have been working out with your tapes/dvds since 1998, so we go way back. LOL. Power Max was the first tape I tried and I had never had so much fun exercising. I was hooked. But my reason for writing is,..I injured my sacro-iliac joint on my right side about 3 years ago during a yoga session (happens occasionally to hyper flexible yogis especially women or so I am told) Well I re-injured it pretty bad back in June and it was difficult to sit for long periods of time, kicking was out of the question (so no kick boxing) and even walking up hills was excruciating I live in Seattle and it is a pretty hilly city. I felt most of the pain under my sit-bone. I went to my primary doc. and a went through a few months of PT it still hurts from time to time. I am able to do step but at very low impact and with lots of modifications, and also some strength training. I stay away from much of the leg and glute work, because I find dead lifts, plie squats, and sometimes lunges quite painful... and not the good kind of pain. Is there any thing I can do to strengthen that area? I usually do the exercises my PT suggested for me after I workout. I am wondering if there is anything else I can do? I would eventually like to get to the level I was at before. Well I guess that is it. Have a great rest of the week! Val Pickett
Val, have you tried a sacro-iliac belt? Just google it and you'll find it. I actually use a padded fanny pack worn very low over the SI joints and it works great. It helps stabilize the SI joint. Its been like a miracle cure for me.
RE: Hamstring injury

Hi Cathe and the rest of you lovely Cathletes. Thanks for responding so quickly. I appreciate the advice and the wonderful suggestions. This is such an educated crowd I feel very comfortable asking for tips and advice. I am taking Cathe's advice and just giving myself time to heal. I will keep modifying my workouts and doing the exercises my PT planned for me. I also went back to my MD for some bloodwork just to make sure it isn't anything else more serious, as I have been experiencing a good deal of joint issues (elbows, wrists, shoulders, fingers, etc....) On another note, debj mentioned a sacro-iliac belt? I have heard of it but I don't know how it works. Is it expensive? I just pre-ordered Cathe's new work outs (you can't beat the price) and some new Rykas, so when I my hamstring heals I will be ready to get back into pre-injury shape. Well I hope everyone has a nice weekend and a great week. I will be lurking on the boards, but Fall quarter starts this week and so I don't know if I will have a lot of time to post. Val P

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