Shout-Out to FitnessFreak366!


Hi, Debbie! I have a question for you regarding explosive push-ups (in which in the up-phase of the push-up you propel the body completely off the floor from the arms / hands), to wit:


I'm pretty good about decline push-ups, push-ups with feet on the floor, triceps push-ups with the arms alongside the torso on the down-phase, deltoid push-ups, moving push-ups, and power push-ups (like those you see in SCS Circuit Blast, a push-up style I LUVVVVVVVVVVVVV) but for the life of me I can't seem to get to explosive push-ups at all. Any advice (aside from "keep trying") on drills that can start to promote these?

Thanks in advance for your help!

I just recently had to do these when I did the P90X rotation. However - my right shoulder rotator cuff is injured and has been for a long while. I was afraid to do those explosive pushups and quite frankly, I doubt I could do them even with my shoulder at 100%. BUT... I could do them on my knees.

So my suggestion would be to start out doing them on your knees. Get the feel for the explosive movement. When you get comfortable with that, try clapping your hands with each pushup.

When you get good at doing those, then try it on your toes. Concentrate on pushing up with your arms, chest and shoulders - keep the lower body still but keep your feet seperated a bit. See how that goes. Get use to that and then when you think you can, keep your feet close together like you would a normal pushup.

It takes lots of concentration to do these. Kind of like one-arm pushups. I've tried over and over to master those and just can't. My balance sucks and I guess I'm just not strong enough to do them.

Good luck! Keep me updated on this. :)
My suggestion....

Chiming in with a them on an incline with your hands on a step. I teach a boot camp type class, and this is a way to do them so more of the class can participate in this move.
Chiming in too...

I'm on my sixth time through P90X and have gotten pretty good at these. Start by lowering quickly to the bottom of a push-up and push up hard and quick while pulling up with your core. I started on a step platform and that made it easier on my wrists (has a little more "give" than the floor) until I got a good feel for the movement. Try to stay as straight as possible but, your bottom will pike up ever so slightly to help pull you up high enough to clap. I hope that makes sense.
Thanks to EVERYONE for your suggestions! I do want to get good at these. I'll get started on them . . . tomorrow. Yeah, that's what I'll do! :)


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