Should've ordered Cycle Max


I am kind of regretting not ordering Cycle Max with my Presale. We are going to the Netherlands next Spring and I am sure it would help me get in good shape for the cycling we're hoping to do there as part of our trip adventures. I guess I'll have to wait until the DVDs are available individually. I don't have a spin bike either and that would've come as a later purchase for me. sigh
I had the regular set in my cart and debated and debated on getting cycle max because I dont have a spin bike... but for $10 - I just HAD to get the deluxe set.

Of course if I wouldnt have - it would have been the ONLY Cathe DVD that I dont have... lol...
Nancy - where in the Netherlands? We spent a month in Utrecht last summer. The biking there is WILD!!! Originally we were planning on buying bikes and then selling them back before we left (which would have been cheaper than renting) but when we saw how CRAZY the roads are with bikes, we opted for walking everywhere!

And FWIW - I agree about contacting customer service to see if you can add it on. It'd be worth it to have, and you could always sell it or pay it forward if you don't like or use it.
Thanks everyone. Even though the store says I cannot change my order now, maybe the Customer Service whiz kids can do it. It's worth a shot. Not sure of our destinations yet in the Netherlands, still in the information seeking stage.

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