Shoulder ?Problem? With Lat Rows


New Member
To Cathe and All-
I don't really know if this is a problem or not, or just maybe an annoyance. When I do bent over lat rows with my dumbells, I have a "clicking", or a "popping" sensation in my shoulder joint. It's kind of hard to explain, but that's the closest I can come to describing it. It's in the front part of my shoulder, the area between my front shoulder muscle and my chest muscle. It doesn't hurt, and I know I am using correct form, it only happens on my right side. I am just wondering if it's anything I should be concerned about. It also happens on pushups, but on no other excercises that I can think of right now. Thanks for any input!
It's nothing to be concerned about unless you have pain. I snap, crackle and pop all over the place when I work out. I don't know what causes it, but I have been told that unless you are experiencing pain, it's nothing to worry about.
I had a massage last Saturday and asked her the same question. She said that it was a build up of lactic acid caused by simply working the muscles. I always thought lactic acid produced the burn, not the clicking noise. I'm not sure, but she said not to worry about it, the muscle will eventually release this build up.
Hi Jennifer! Although I am not telling you to ignore your situation, I have always been told that if a popping or crackling noise is not associated with pain then it is usually no cause for alarm. So far, within myself, I have found this to be true. But you yourself know your body better than anyone and have to be comfortable with how to handle it. Obviously if over time it just doesn't seem right to you, have it checked out. Good luck!

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