Should I shave my pomeranian?


Now that it's starting to get warm, I'm wondering if I should give me pomeranian a major haircut. I read conflicting things about this: some groomers say the double coat is an insulator, protecting them from the heat. Others say it's like wearing a big fur coat in the summertime. He loves to go on long walks with his pal, our mixed breed, but I can already hear him panting. Any pom experts out there who want to chime in?
NO! I am a very firm believer that we humans need to let our canine friends enjoy the protective coats the good lord gave them. I have a black Newfoundland, and we live in Vegas--it gets hotter than the devil here in the summertime, I just keep Georgie inside and walk him in the evenings or early mornings.

Sorry, I am totally in agreement with the groomers on this one.:) Oh and I love Poms!
I used to shave my chow/lab mix every summer. She looked like a lab but had chow fur. Not only did she look adorable, she seemed to really enjoy getting rid of her heavy coat. And it always grew back beautifully.

I wish I could shave my pug LOL. That little dog sheds more than any animal I've ever seen! :p
No! Shaving a dog with a double coat is never a good idea. Most double coated dogs have very pale skin and shaving them makes them more likely to sunburn. Also the double coat does indeed act as a insultator and helps cool them. Shaving them takes that protection away. And besides - they look really stupid shaving IMO. :+
I'm no expert but I used to shave my pom. He seemed to enjoy it, he looked adorable, and his coat grew back just fine.
My friends have Bermese Mountain dogs, and she let their hair stay long under that premise that it keeps em cooler....then last year, they were panting so much, she got them clipped and they were frisky like puppies with their haircuts, and we told them they were so pretty, they believed it! Our Golden loves his haircuts....

And like anything else, they won't get sunburned if they are not left outside to bake!
Instead of shaving your pom, you might think about just getting him/her a nice little cut. I have an Eskimo and during his summer groomings, I simply have his fur trimmed a bit more than his winter cut. My vet told me to never shave him because he needs the fur to keep his skin clean, free from sunburns and to insulate him from the excessive heat.
We shave our Pom because she "moults" in the spring. We had a Pom before this one and it didn't do this.

This little one, though, has super thick fur in the winter. It's difficult to find bare skin to apply her flea/heartworm meds, and it's almost impossible to get her wet clear through to bathe her.

In the summer, she loses the entire undercoat and is covered only by the coarse outer coat. Breathing on her uncovers pink skin and she's half the size she was in the winter. People think we have a new dog. I don't know if she's a freak of nature or if the other one was, but they're very different.

We shave her so we don't have to deal with all the floating fur. When we shave her, there's enough fur to stuff a 30 gallon trash bag firmly. If we didn't shave her, all that would be in our house (and our beds, our noses, our food, etc. Yuck!)

I shaved my Aussie last summer for the first time and he was soooo much happier. For once he was able to continue to go with me running all summer long. We live where the heat and humidity (90-100%) is brutal in the summer. His coat grew back fine. You would never know he had been shaved.

I don't shave my Pom but I do get him a short cut about 2-3 times a year. It grows back just fine. He starts panting like crazy when it starts getting too long and he just likes to curl up in a cool spot on the wood floor. He starts to pant like crazy when it's long. I love it when his hair grows back but I can see how uncomfortable he is when he's too hot.


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